Ah, a suffix is like a little friend that comes at the end of a word to change its meaning. In the word "carnivore," the suffix is "-vore," which means "eater." So, a carnivore is an animal that eats meat. Isn't that just delightful?
"Creta" is a prefix commonly used in the medical field to indicate related to the creation of something (e.g., in terms like "creatinine" or "creatology"). It is not typically used as a suffix.
Hydrolysis is the breaking of bonds by adding water. The prefix hydro refers to water. The suffix lysis means breaking.
Affixation is adding a prefix, suffix, or infix to a word. English does not typically use infixation. A prefix is something like UNcertain, and a suffix occurs at the end of the word, like describABLE.
it is a carnivore
The suffix for carnivore is "-vore", which means 'one who eats'.
Discount itself is not a prefix nor a suffix. There is no suffix in discount, but the prefix is dis-.
Ah, what a lovely word, "irreplaceable." The prefix is "ir-" which means "not" or "without," and the suffix is "-able" which means "capable of." Together, they create a word that beautifully expresses the idea of something that cannot be replaced. Just like each happy little tree in our painting, each of us is unique and irreplaceable in our own special way.
The prefix of vasoconstriction is "vaso-" and the suffix is "-constriction."
There is no prefix suffix for stem.
There is no prefix. The suffix is -ate.
Prefix: un- Suffix: -er
Decline does not have a prefix or suffix.
it has prefix inter and a suffix al
Bacteria does not have a prefix. Its suffix is -ia.
Yes. in- is a prefix. ac- is a prefix. -ate is a suffix.
The prefix for "chronic" is "chron-" and the suffix is "-ic."