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A radial drainage pattern is developed on growing mountains like volcanoes or where the land surface is tectonically doming upward. In this pattern, streams flow outward in all directions like the spokes of a wheel, converging at the peak or center of the domed land surface.

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Q: What stream patter is developed only on growing mountains like volcanoes or where the land surface is tectonically doming upward?
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Do volcanoes form mountains?

Some mountains are volcanic. It would be more accurate to say, in such cases, that the volcano formed a mountain, than to say that it formed on a mountain.

Are the Cascade Mountains still growing today?

Yes, the Cascade Mountains are still growing today. The movement of the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate under the North American plate continues to push up the mountains, leading to ongoing uplift and volcanic activity in the region.

What is positive effects of volcanoes?

1) the soil is richer and better for growing crops. 2) it can increase tourism 3) all our water comes from volcanoes and the gases that come out of them. 4) frequent eruptions can provide spectacular evning entertainment - a bit like fireworks!

What are the importance of volcanoes?

Volcanoes play a crucial role in shaping the Earth's surface by creating new land through lava flows and building up volcanic islands. They also release gases and minerals that enrich soil fertility and support unique ecosystems. Additionally, studying volcanoes helps scientists understand Earth's processes and monitor potential hazards for nearby communities.

How was India formed by plate tectonics?

India was formed through the collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate. Approximately 50 million years ago, the Indian Plate began moving northwards and eventually collided with the Eurasian Plate, causing the uplift of the Himalayas and the formation of the Indian subcontinent. This collision continues to push the Himalayas higher each year.

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How did hawai developed?

Many people believe that Hawaii was formed from volcanoes just above the water, not quite under water volcanoes, but very close. Ash and lava covered the water and started to harden. These eventually became the Hawaiian Islands. The volcanoes in Hawaii are still active and Hawaii is still constantly growing.

How do you know if a mountains still growing?

yes mountains are still growing. like mount Everest.

Does volcanoes effect farming in Mexico?

good for growing crops

Are the Himalayan mountains growing bigger?


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When did the ural mountains stop growing?

the ural mountains stopped grown when they grew up.

Why are volcanoes useful to people?

for farmers , because the soil is good for growing crops

Why mountains are not formed now?

The world is constantly changing. Mountains are always growing. This planet is alive. For example, Hawaii is a mountain and Hawaii is constantly growing in size.

Why are folded mountains taller than volcanic mountains?

It is that the mountains also are big by growing taller and taller for to be healthy the animals too for the beautiful mountains.

Who developed the process of growing and processing of coffee?


What is the height where trees stop growing on mountains called?

tree line

Do mountains have grass on them?

Yes, but most don't have grass growing at the peaks.