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Aristotle believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and that it was at rest while the celestial bodies moved around it in perfect circular motion. This geocentric model was a central part of Aristotelian cosmology.

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Q: What state of motion did Aristotle attribute to the Earth?
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Galileo's interpretation of motion differed from Aristotle's in that Galileo emphasized?

Galileo emphasized the concept of inertia, stating that an object will remain in its state of motion unless acted upon by an external force. This was in contrast to Aristotle's view that objects naturally come to rest due to their inherent tendency to seek their "natural place."

What is absolute rest?

Absolute rest refers to a state where an object is not moving at all in relation to its surroundings. In physics, it is a theoretical concept that is not achievable due to the constant motion of the universe.

What is an example of a body that is in motion but that is also in equilibrium?

A satellite orbiting the Earth is an example of a body in motion that is also in equilibrium. The gravitational force pulling the satellite towards the Earth is balanced by the centripetal force keeping it in orbit, resulting in a state of dynamic equilibrium.

Inertia is the force that keeps earth traveling around the sun?

Inertia is actually the resistance of an object to a change in its state of motion. In the case of Earth traveling around the sun, it's the gravitational pull of the sun that keeps Earth in orbit.

Newton's first law of motion ka sahi definition kya hai?

Newton's first law of motion states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. This means that an object will not change its state of motion unless a force is applied to it.

Related questions

What did Aristotle think was the natural state of objects?

Aristotle believed that the natural state of objects was to seek a state of rest or motion that was in accordance with their inherent properties. He classified objects into four elements (earth, water, air, fire) and believed that each element had a natural place in the cosmos.

What was Aristotle's theory of motion?

Aristotle's theory of motion stated that natural objects move towards their natural place or state. He believed that objects on Earth moved towards the center of the universe, in straight lines or circles. Aristotle's theory was widely accepted for centuries until the development of modern physics in the 17th century.

What is the scientific definition of time?

Aristotle states that time is the measurement of motion, and motion is the reduction (change) of a being from a state of potency to a state of actuality by means of a being in act relative to the other being.

Galileo's interpretation of motion differed from Aristotle's in that Galileo emphasized?

Galileo emphasized the concept of inertia, stating that an object will remain in its state of motion unless acted upon by an external force. This was in contrast to Aristotle's view that objects naturally come to rest due to their inherent tendency to seek their "natural place."

What did Aristotle's atomic theory state?

Aristotles theory stated that all substances were built from 4 elements, earth, air, fire, and water

What the motion of a person who is standing still on earth surface?

A person who is standing still on the Earth's surface is in a state of relative rest with respect to the surface of the Earth. However, they are actually moving along with the Earth as it rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. So, in a broader sense, they are always in motion.

Does Aristotle's god answer prayer?

Aristotle's theory of God is simple. We can only state negative attributes that do not attempt to comprehend God because we cannot comprehend God. ipso factum: "God is wise" Wrong, you are limiting God by attaching a human attribute. "God is not Ignorant" Correct, God is surely not ignorant and we have not tried to comprehend what is not comprehensible.... God. To answer your question: God can be prayed to. Praying is a human thing done by a human. We cannot Say that God Answers because it is a human thing. [Aristotle's God Does not - not answer Prayer] I am not saying Aristotle did not pray. Only that he did not expect an "Answer". He Expected...

Who said State is prior to individual?

Plato in The Republic.

What is the Nationality of Aristotle?

Aristotle was born in Stagira, which was a Greek city-state in the region of Macedonia. Therefore, he is considered to be of Greek nationality.

A bowling ball rolling down a long lane gradually slows as it rolls How would Aristotle interpret this observation?

Aristotle would likely interpret this as the natural state of motion for the bowling ball. He would explain that the ball's inherent nature is to come to a rest due to its terrestrial element, which tends towards the center of the Earth. Therefore, the ball's gradual slowing down is a result of its natural tendency to seek its proper place.

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What are major states of Mexico?

Mexican State (a state of Mexico) that has the attribute important (of great significance or value)