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someone answer this i have no idea i think it's the left side :)

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9mo ago

Memory is not localized to one specific side of the brain. Different types of memory, such as short-term memory and long-term memory, involve multiple brain regions, including the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and other structures in both hemispheres of the brain.

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Q: What side of your brain is memory?
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Which side of the brain have all the memory?

Memory is not located on one specific side of the brain, but it involves different parts of the brain working together. The hippocampus is crucial for forming new memories, while the prefrontal cortex helps with working memory and retrieving past experiences. Both the left and right hemispheres play a role in memory processes.

Can a cyst on the left side of the brain effect memory an mood?

Yes, a cyst on the left side of the brain has the potential to affect memory and mood. The impact can vary depending on the specific location and size of the cyst. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Parts of brain used in learning?

The parts of the brain involved in learning include the hippocampus for memory formation, the prefrontal cortex for decision-making and executive function, and the amygdala for emotional responses and memory processing. Neuronal connections between these regions are crucial for acquiring, retaining, and recalling new information.

What is the largest potion of the brain?

The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is responsible for higher brain functions such as sensory perception, voluntary muscle movement, thought, reasoning, and memory. It is divided into two hemispheres, each controlling the opposite side of the body.

What is the largeist paRT of the brain that controls the thinking and memory?

The largest part of the brain that controls thinking and memory is the cerebrum. It is responsible for higher brain functions such as reasoning, problem-solving, and memory storage.

Related questions

What kind of memory loss do to a brain suegery removing left side of the brain tempo?

temporary memory loss just GOOGLE memory loss removing left side brain tempo .

What side of heart controls memory functions?

Medically heart does not control memory. Brain has the memory controls.

What part of your brain stores memory in humans?

The back side.

Which side of the brain have all the memory?

Memory is not located on one specific side of the brain, but it involves different parts of the brain working together. The hippocampus is crucial for forming new memories, while the prefrontal cortex helps with working memory and retrieving past experiences. Both the left and right hemispheres play a role in memory processes.

What part of your brain will you use to plumb the neurons of your memory to answer this question?

Left side of your cerebrum

Can a cyst on the left side of the brain effect memory an mood?

Yes, a cyst on the left side of the brain has the potential to affect memory and mood. The impact can vary depending on the specific location and size of the cyst. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Where does memory exist in the brain?

Memory is stored in the hippocampus region of the brain. We generally have two kinds of memory, short term and long term.

Who has a better memory girls or boys?

It depends on genetics intelligence preexisting medical conditions. There would be a lot of factors involved

Part of the brain that is seahorse shaped?

The hippocampus is the part of the brain that is seahorse-shaped. It is located in the medial temporal lobe and plays a key role in memory formation and spatial navigation.

Do people usually have a good memory?

First of all, that completely depends on the person and the age. Around the age of 14-16 your memory can get blurry and you may forget what days certain things happened on. Many people who have the left side of the brain for the dominant part have a better memory than people who's right side of the brain is dominant. As you age memories get blurrier and you forget things. So yes, and no. People do have a good memory depending on age and the person.

Where is memory stored in?

Memory is stored in the brain's grey matter.

What part of your brain consolidates memory?

The part of the brain that consolidates memory is in the temporal area,the left temporol lobe.