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3mo ago

Volcanoes are made up of various types of rocks, including igneous rocks such as basalt, andesite, and rhyolite. These rocks form from the solidification of molten magma ejected during volcanic eruptions. Additionally, volcanic rocks can also contain minerals such as olivine, quartz, and feldspar.

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10y ago

Volcanic rocks are made primarily out of silicate minerals. Which minerals are present depends on the rock. Some volcanic rocks are made partly or entirely out of glass.

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13y ago

Igneous rock.

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Q: What rocks are volcanoes made up of?
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Can rocks be made from the inside of volcanoes?

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igneous rock. It is made from hardened magma. That's from volcanoes. I don't think earthquakes make rocks.

Is your earth made out of a volcano?

No. Most rocks and earth are not directly from volcanoes.

What are types of rocks formed by volcanoes?

Three different types of volcanoes are 1) Shield volcanoes; they are large mountains with gentle slopes. 2) Cinder cones volcanoes; they are small volcanoes made of hardened lava chunks called cinders. And the last one is 3) composite volcanoes; they are medium sized mountains made up of layers of lava that alternates with cinders. That is it.

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No. Plutonic rocks are igneous rocks that hardened underground. Rocks that form on volcanoes are volcanic rocks.

Can rocks by made from the inside of volcanoes?

Yes they can. When magma dries it turns into igneous rock.

How are volcanoes important in the formation of rocks?

Because the lava from volcanoes form igneous rocks

What sphere do volcanoes occur in?

Volcanoes occur in the geosphere, which is the solid part of the Earth made up of rocks, minerals, and landforms. They are typically found at plate boundaries where tectonic activity causes magma to rise to the surface.

What kind of rocks are in volcanoes?

Igneous Rocks.

What are the 3 types of volcans?

Plinian, Strombolian and Hawaiian..:P