If you can find a plant with tuxedos on its leaves then I would vote for that one
because the leaves create food for the plant.
Magnesium deficiency create dead leaves and yellow leaves on a plant.
The number of leaves on a mint plant can vary, but typically a healthy mint plant can have anywhere from 20 to 50 leaves.
A cactus has no leaves.
In plant leaves tannin is present.
I have the sharpest eyes in my classroom.
Leaves are mainly responsible for photosynthesis in a plant.
the plant has to get chloraphill in the leaves can help a plant
A plant without leaves is called a "leafless plant."
yes they are a plant first leaves
it makes the plant leaves green
because the leaves create food for the plant.
Magnesium deficiency create dead leaves and yellow leaves on a plant.
A plant with finger-like leaves is called a palm plant.
The number of leaves on a mint plant can vary, but typically a healthy mint plant can have anywhere from 20 to 50 leaves.
The sharpest handsaws are made of highly tempered steel. The sharpest power saw blades are carbide tipped.
maybe not the sharpest but pretty close.