Superman is from the planet Krypton. He is one of the last survivors from there since it exploded.
There is no known planet between Jupiter and Krypton, as Krypton is a fictional planet from the Superman comics. The planets in our solar system between Jupiter and the Sun are Mars and Earth.
Kryptonite is the only known substance that can weaken and harm Superman, as it is radioactive remnants from his home planet, Krypton. Exposure to kryptonite can drain Superman of his powers and make him vulnerable.
The name "Krypton" comes from the Greek word "kryptos," meaning "hidden" or "concealed." This is a reference to how the fictional element is hidden on the planet Krypton in the Superman comics.
The editor of The Daily Planet is traditionally Perry White. Perry White is a fictional character in the Superman comic book series who serves as the tough but fair-minded editor-in-chief of the newspaper.
Superman is from the planet krypton.
Superman comes from the planet Krypton.
Superman was from the planet Krypton, which exploded just after he was launched to safety in a rocket built by his father Jor-El.
A reporter for the Daily Planet
Kal-El--Superman's real name--was born on the planet Krypton. He was shot into space by his parents before the planet exploded. Thus, radioactive fragments of the plant Krypton are called "Kryptonite."
Clark Kent (superman's disguise) works at the daily planet for chief-in-editor Perry White
Only in fiction, as in the planet where Superman was born.
In the comics, the planet Colu, on TV the planet Krypton, just like Superman does.
The Daily Planet