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Q: What part of a green plant shows the greatest increase in chloroplasts by the end of spring?
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Which part of a green plant shows the greatest increase in chloroplasts by the ending of spring?


Which part of the green plant shows the greatest increase in chloroplasts by the end of spring?


What part of a green plant shows the greatest increase in chloroplasts by the end of the spring?


What part of a green plant shows the greatest increase in the chloroplasts by the end of spring?

Leaf 🍃

Which part of a green plant shows the greatest increase in chloroplasts by the end of spring?


Which part of a green plant shows the greatest in chloroplasts by the end of spring?


Which part of a green plant shows the greatest increase in chloroplasts as the summer approaches?

The leaf

Which part of a green plant would show the greatest increase in chloroplasts the summer approaches?

The leaf

Which part of a green plant would show the greatest increase in chloroplasts as the summer approaches?

The leaves of a green plant would show the greatest increase in chloroplasts as the summer approaches. The leaves are the primary site for photosynthesis and where chloroplasts are most abundant, so they would require more chloroplasts to capture the increased sunlight during the summer.

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It's totally leaf.