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ALL of the electromagnetic spectrum

except for that narrow band that we can perceive.

There are many names for various portions, mainly because they were discovered at different times by different people.

For example : radio, infra-red, ultra-violet, X-rays, heat, microwaves, etc.


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Other types of electromagnetic radiation include radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Each type of radiation has different wavelengths and frequencies, with varying levels of energy and interactions with matter.

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Q: What other types are there besides visible light?
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Which light has the greatest speed?

In a vacuum, all types of light, including visible light and other types of electromagnetic radiation, travel at the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second.

How are visible light radiowaves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation different from each other?

Electromagnetic radiation differs in wavelength, frequency, and energy. Visible light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than radio waves. Each form of electromagnetic radiation carries different amounts of energy and interacts with matter in distinct ways.

What types of electromagnetic radiation have lower energy than microwaves?

the two types of electromagnetic radiations next to visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum are the two types of electromagnetic radiations next to visible light in the electromagnetic spectrumAnswer2: Infrared and Ultra Violet are next to visible light.

What is a fluorescent screen?

A fluorescent screen is a surface coated with a phosphor material that emits visible light when struck by electrons. It is commonly used in cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and other types of electronic displays to convert electrons into visible light, allowing images or text to be displayed.

Which region has the longer wavelength-visible light or infrared?

Infrared light has longer wavelengths than visible light. Visible light ranges from about 400-700 nanometers in wavelength, while infrared light ranges from about 700 nanometers to 1 millimeter. This difference in wavelength determines how these types of light interact with matter and are perceived by our eyes.

Related questions

What is the light called that the retina can detect?

The light that the retina can detect is called visible light, which falls within the electromagnetic spectrum and is made up of various colors with different wavelengths. The retina contains specialized cells called photoreceptors that are sensitive to this visible light and are responsible for converting light signals into electrical impulses for the brain to process.

What are some different types of light besides visible?

Infrared and ultraviolet. X-rays, Gamma-rays, micro-waves, etc. etc.

Which type of rays are visible?

Visible light rays are the only type of rays that are visible to the human eye. Other types of electromagnetic waves like infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays are not visible.

How are visible light radiowaves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation different from each other?

Electromagnetic radiation differs in wavelength, frequency, and energy. Visible light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than radio waves. Each form of electromagnetic radiation carries different amounts of energy and interacts with matter in distinct ways.

What can radiation do to the human body?

Exposure to radiation can damage cells and DNA, leading to harmful effects such as radiation sickness, acute radiation syndrome, and an increased risk of cancer. The severity of the impact depends on the dose, duration of exposure, and type of radiation.

What are two types of light called?

Two types of light are visible light, which can be seen by the human eye, and ultraviolet light, which is invisible to the human eye but has shorter wavelengths than visible light.

What are the three types of centered wavelengths of light?

The three types of centered wavelengths of light are ultraviolet, visible, and infrared. Ultraviolet light has shorter wavelengths than visible light, while infrared light has longer wavelengths. The visible spectrum, where light is visible to the human eye, falls between ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths.

How many types of light are available in the market?

visible and non-visible. 2.

What do mirror do to light waves?

there are three types of light waves i.e infrared light, visible light and ultra violet light. Out of these, only visible light rays (waves) gets reflected by the mirror but the other two light waves passes through the mirror.

How do we know there are types of electromagnetic radiation other than visible light?

Because experiments and technology have enabled us to prove the electromagnetic spectrum extends beyond the narrow band of visible light.

Can photon released always be seen as visible light?

No, not all photons released can be seen as visible light. Photons can have a range of energies and wavelengths, from radio waves at one end of the spectrum to gamma rays at the other. Visible light falls within a specific range of wavelengths that are detectable by the human eye, but there are many other types of photons that are not visible to us.

What types of electromagnetic radiation can you see?

Visible light.