"B cells" are named after the Bursa of Fabricius where they were first discovered in birds. The Bursa of Fabricius is an organ in birds that is involved in the development of B cells. The "B" stands for "bursa-dependent" in reference to this organ.
A pseudo bursa is a collection of fluid that forms adjacent to a joint as a result of chronic inflammation or injury, rather than being an actual bursa. It can mimic the appearance and symptoms of a true bursa but lacks a synovial lining and is not anatomically a bursa.
They are called as bursae. They reduce the friction of the muscle tendons.
The botanical name for shepherds purse is Capsella bursa-pastoris.
The bursa near the shoulder area is typically found between the acromion (bony prominence on the shoulder blade) and the rotator cuff tendons. This bursa is known as the subacromial bursa and helps reduce friction between the bones and tendons during shoulder movement.
"B cells" are named after the Bursa of Fabricius where they were first discovered in birds. The Bursa of Fabricius is an organ in birds that is involved in the development of B cells. The "B" stands for "bursa-dependent" in reference to this organ.
The population of Bursa is 1,905,570.
Bursa was created in -202.
Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa; bursectomy is removal of a bursa.
George Harrison Shull has written: 'Bursa bursa-pastoris and Bursa heegeri biotypes and hybrids' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Vegetable Hybridization, Bursa bursa-pastoris, Bursa heegeri 'Defective inheritance-ratios in Bursa hybrids' -- subject(s): Accessible book
Jakub Bursa died in 1884.
Jakub Bursa was born in 1813.
Sufflamen bursa was created in 1801.
Ornithonyssus bursa was created in 1888.
Siege of Bursa happened in 1326.
A pseudo bursa is a collection of fluid that forms adjacent to a joint as a result of chronic inflammation or injury, rather than being an actual bursa. It can mimic the appearance and symptoms of a true bursa but lacks a synovial lining and is not anatomically a bursa.
They are called as bursae. They reduce the friction of the muscle tendons.