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Gonna try and describe this the best I can

 +, -, + with the arrow facing up

^really hope it helps :)

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Q: What molecules has correctly labeled bond dipoles?
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Is ClF4- polar or non polar?

There are two allowed structures of SF4Cl2... the cisform where one chlorine is in an equitorial position and one is axial, and the trans form where both chlorines are in axial positions. In the trans form the S-F bond dipoles all cancel each other, as do the S-Cl bond dipoles, because they are opposite each other. Therefore the molecule is non-polar. In the cisform, two of the S-F bond dipoles cancel, but because the other S-F bond dipoles are across from S-Cl bond dipoles, they do not cancel (S-F is more polar than an S-Cl bond). Therefore, the cisform is polar.

How does dipole moment help us to predict geometry of molecules?

The dipole moment tells us that there is net dipole on the molecule which indicates that any dipoles due to polarity of the covalent bonds do not cancel each other out. For example H2O has a dipole moment which rules out a linear structure where the bond dipoles would cancel each other out.

What is the strongest intermolecular attraction that must be broken in ethane?

The strongest intermolecular attraction in ethane is London dispersion forces. These forces are caused by temporary fluctuations in electron distribution, leading to temporary dipoles in neighboring molecules.

Any molecule that has a polar geometry is called what?

A molecule with a polar geometry is called a polar molecule. Polar molecules have an uneven distribution of electron density, resulting in a separation of electric charge and the presence of a positive and negative pole within the molecule.

What molecule is a polar bond but is not a polar molecule?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a molecule with polar bonds (between carbon and oxygen), but it is a nonpolar molecule overall because the polar bonds are oriented in a way that cancels out their dipoles.

Related questions

How might a molecule with two strong bond dipoles have no molecular dipole at all?

If the two strong bond dipoles are arranged symmetrically in opposite directions within the molecule, their effects can cancel each other out resulting in a net dipole moment of zero. This can occur in molecules with a linear or symmetrical shape, where the bond dipoles are pointing in opposite directions and their magnitudes are equal.

Is ClF4- polar or non polar?

There are two allowed structures of SF4Cl2... the cisform where one chlorine is in an equitorial position and one is axial, and the trans form where both chlorines are in axial positions. In the trans form the S-F bond dipoles all cancel each other, as do the S-Cl bond dipoles, because they are opposite each other. Therefore the molecule is non-polar. In the cisform, two of the S-F bond dipoles cancel, but because the other S-F bond dipoles are across from S-Cl bond dipoles, they do not cancel (S-F is more polar than an S-Cl bond). Therefore, the cisform is polar.

How might a molecule with two strong bond dipoles have no molecule dipole at all?

A molecule with two strong bond dipoles can have no molecular dipole if the bond dipoles cancel each other out by pointing in exactly opposite directions. For example, in carbon dioxide (a linear molecule), the carbon-oxygen bonds have a large dipole moment. However, because one dipole points to the left and the other points to the right, the dipoles cancel and overall there is no molecular dipole.

How does dipole moment help us to predict geometry of molecules?

The dipole moment tells us that there is net dipole on the molecule which indicates that any dipoles due to polarity of the covalent bonds do not cancel each other out. For example H2O has a dipole moment which rules out a linear structure where the bond dipoles would cancel each other out.

Why are covalent bonds stronger than the electricalatraction between two neighboring molecules?

Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms, creating a strong bond due to the overlap of electron clouds. In contrast, the electrical attraction between neighboring molecules, such as in van der Waals forces, is weaker because it involves temporary dipoles that are easily broken. The strength of a covalent bond is determined by the shared electrons holding the atoms together.

What is the strongest intermolecular attraction that must be broken in ethane?

The strongest intermolecular attraction in ethane is London dispersion forces. These forces are caused by temporary fluctuations in electron distribution, leading to temporary dipoles in neighboring molecules.

What is the difference between individual bond polarity and molecular polarity?

Individual bond polarity refers to the polarity of a specific bond within a molecule, determined by the electronegativity difference between the atoms involved. Molecular polarity, on the other hand, refers to the overall distribution of charge within a molecule, taking into account both individual bond polarities and molecular geometry.

What kind of compounds doesn't have dipole moment?

Symmetric molecules, such as diatomic molecules like O2 and N2, as well as molecules with symmetrical geometry like CO2, generally do not have a dipole moment because the individual bond dipoles cancel each other out.

What type of intermolecular forces does HBr have?

HBr primarily exhibits dipole-dipole interactions due to the polarity of the H-Br bond. Additionally, HBr can also experience dispersion forces, caused by temporary dipoles that occur in all molecules.

What are the three parts of a bond?

The three parts of a bond is atoms, molecules, and ions. The three parts of a bond is atoms, molecules, and ions. The three parts of a bond is atoms, molecules, and ions.

Any molecule that has a polar geometry is called what?

A molecule with a polar geometry is called a polar molecule. Polar molecules have an uneven distribution of electron density, resulting in a separation of electric charge and the presence of a positive and negative pole within the molecule.

Is an ionic bond a dipole-dipole force?

No, an ionic bond is not a dipole-dipole force. Ionic bonds form between ions of opposite charges, resulting in the attraction between positive and negative ions. In contrast, dipole-dipole forces occur between molecules with permanent dipoles due to unequal sharing of electrons.