They light up when the concentration of the enzymes increases.This phenomenon is called as BIO LUMINESCENCE .
This can also be seen in the angler fish in the deep oceans.The fish uses this light as a trap for fishes & animals.When the animals comes near the light the fish attacks the prey with its razor sharp fangs.
Lightning bugs, or fireflies, produce light through a chemical reaction in their abdomen that involves luciferin and luciferase enzymes. They light up to communicate with potential mates, warn predators of their toxicity, and attract prey. The light produced by lightning bugs is called bioluminescence.
Not likely... Sheet lightning is 'cloud-to-cloud' discharges. The fact that the 'flash' is hidden within the cloud makes the whole cloud appear to light up.
Lightning is not faster than light. Lightning is an electrical discharge that occurs during a thunderstorm, which is the visible light produced by the movement of electrons in the atmosphere. The speed of lightning is slower than the speed of light.
Lightning gives off light through a process called ionization. During a lightning strike, the electrical current passing through the air heats it up and causes the air molecules to ionize. As these ionized molecules recombine and release their energy, they emit light in the form of a bright flash that we see as lightning.
Red lightning is typically associated with strong thunderstorms and volcanic eruptions. The color is often due to atmospheric conditions that can scatter the shorter (blue and green) wavelengths of light, leaving the longer (red) wavelengths more visible. The presence of dust, pollution, or particles in the atmosphere can also contribute to the red hue of lightning.
Thunder is associated with lightning because they both occur during the same event: a lightning bolt creates a rapid expansion of air, causing a shock wave that we hear as thunder. The sound of thunder is created by the rapid heating and cooling of the air surrounding the lightning bolt.
Lightning bugs make light within their bodies. This process is called bio luminescence and is shared by many other organisms, mostly sea-living or marine organisms. To do this, the lightning bug contain specialized cells in their abdomen that make light.
To alight means to the Provided with light; lighted up. the lightning bug began to light its tail when it sat on my sholder.
A lightning bug is a nocturnal beetle common in warm regions having luminescent abdominal organs. Just so you know lightning bugs also fly in the morning they just don't light up.
Lightning bugs make light within their bodies. This process is called bio luminescence and is shared by many other organisms, mostly sea-living or marine organisms. To do this, the lightning bug contain specialized cells in their abdomen that make light.
hi, i'm really not sure,but there was a bug in the bushes with two green lights.the lights were on it's back right behind it's head.when i picked it up with a leaf,it played then i brought it in the shed and put it in a small container with plants.that's all the info i've got---------sorry!
up to 1 inch long 2 centimeters thick
Lightning bugs find a resting spot on some shady leaf during the day. They're mainly nocturnal, as they're lights are best seen in the dark, and they communicate using sight.
There are over 100 pecies of lightning bug or firefly. Different species of firefly have different flashing patterns so members of the same species can recognize each other from a distance. In most firefly species the males flash while flying and the females flash while perched on plants near the ground. When a male who is flying sees a flashing pattern that matches his species that is stationary and low, he'll fly over to it hoping to find a new girl friend.
By the mixing of two chemicals called 'bioluminescence'.
there are less lightning bugs, because of habitat destruction and light pollution. light pollution is where there is to much artificial lights outside. The artificial lights mess up their signals and they can't find mates. Also, lightning bugs need a good bit of water and tree litter to have babies and survive. Humans are destroying all of the lightning bug habitats.
lighting bug