At noon at the prime meridian on the equator, the time at 55 degrees north latitude on the same meridian would be 5:40 AM. This is because every 15 degrees of longitude represents one hour of time difference, so 55 degrees north of the equator is 3 hours and 40 minutes behind the prime meridian.
The prime meridian is a line at 0 degrees longitude.
0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude.
The Prime Meridian is at zero degrees longitude and every possible latitude.
The prime meridian is a line at 0 degrees longitude.
At noon at the prime meridian on the equator, the time at 55 degrees north latitude on the same meridian would be 5:40 AM. This is because every 15 degrees of longitude represents one hour of time difference, so 55 degrees north of the equator is 3 hours and 40 minutes behind the prime meridian.
The prime meridian is a line at 0 degrees longitude.
0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude.
The Prime Meridian is at zero degrees longitude and every possible latitude.
the Prime meridian is a longitudinal line at 0 degrees and runs north and south. There is no 180 degrees below or above it. 180 degrees latitude doesn't exist. Latitudes range from 90 degrees south, at the south pole, through zero, at the equator, to 90 degrees north, at the north pole. There are no latitude numbers greater than 90.
The prime Meridian is 0 degrees longitude.
they are
That would be the Prime Meridian.
The equator and the Prime Meridian meet at 0 degrees latitude and longitude, forming the starting point for measuring coordinates on Earth's surface.