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Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded with rays from the sun

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The ozone layer, which is part of the stratosphere, is bombarded with rays from the sun. These rays include ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can be harmful to living organisms if it reaches the Earth's surface in large amounts. The ozone layer plays a crucial role in protecting life on Earth by absorbing and filtering out much of the sun's harmful UV radiation.

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Q: What layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded with rays from the sun?
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What layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded with the rays from the sun?

Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded with rays from the sun

Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombraded with rays from the sun?

The layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere that is bombarded with rays from the sun is the thermosphere. It is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere where solar radiation impacts the molecules, leading to high temperatures and the presence of the ionosphere.

Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded from rays of the sun?


Which layer of the gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded with Rays from the sun?


Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded rays from the sun?


Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere bombarded with rays from the sun?


Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere in bombarded with rays from the sun?


Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarded with rays from the sun?

The layer of gas molecules in the Earth's atmosphere that is bombarded with rays from the sun is the thermosphere. This layer is where ultraviolet and X-ray radiation from the sun interact with the gas molecules, leading to ionization and high temperatures.

Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombared with rays from the sun?

The ozone layer, located in the stratosphere, is bombarded with rays from the sun. These rays include ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is absorbed and scattered by the ozone molecules in this layer, providing important protection for life on Earth from the harmful effects of excessive UV exposure.

Which layer of gas molecule in the atmosphere is bombarded with rays from the sun?


Which layer of gas molecules in the atmosphere is bombarde with rays from the sun?


What is the layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays from the sun?

The UV rays must pass through atmosphere. So the layer must be in Atmosphere. The layer of the atmosphere is he ozone layer.