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Eventually, just about every kind of math there is.

A fine example relates to Sir Isaac newton, when he was working on trying to

connect his law of gravity with the motion of the planets. He needed a kind of

math that didn't exist yet ... (actually, somebody else was in the process of

inventing it, but Newton didn't know about him) ... so Newton just invented

the kind of math he needed in order to handle it. It's called 'Calculus', and

nowadays, if you plan to go to College, you start Calculus before you leave

High School.

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4mo ago

Physics involves a variety of math, including calculus, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and occasionally more advanced topics like differential equations and linear algebra. These mathematical tools are used to describe and analyze physical phenomena, solve equations, and make predictions about the behavior of systems in the natural world. Understanding and applying mathematical concepts is crucial for understanding and advancing in the field of physics.

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