SEDIMENTARY rock Has been formed in layers Often found near water sources With fossils from decayers
Then there's IGNEOUS rock Here since Earth was born Molten Lava, cooled and hardened That's how it is formed
These two types of rocks Can also be transformed With pressure, heat and chemicals METAMORPHIC they'll become
(sung to the tune of row row row your boat)
(=**=) (
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The rock cycle is a basic concept in geology that describes transitions through geologic time among the three main rock types: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. ... The rock cycle explains how the three rock types are related to each other, and how processes change from one type to another over time.
The Water Cycle Song is a Science song that teaches the three phases of the water cycle: Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation. The Water Cycle Song teaches the process of the water cycle. This is a song for learning about the water cycle.
Water Cycle Song Lyrics by Have Fun Teaching
The Water Cycle
Takes the water and moves it
Up and Down and all around the Earth
Evaporation comes
When the heat from the Sun
Warms up all the groundwater
Then it turns to water vapor
Condensation takes over
It goes up to the clouds
Water vapor cools down
And it changes to a liquid, now
Precipitation happens
When the drops get big
It falls like Rain, Snow, Sleet, and Hail upon my head
I know it's the water cycle happening again
Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation
See the link below.
The rock cycle is the natural process in which rocks transform from one rock type into another rock type over time, a type of natural recycling.
Igneous rocks, which are formed from magma cooling underground, or lava above ground are formed from previous igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks which have become melted, usually as a result of plate collision and subduction.------->
When these igneous rocks are exposed to weathering and erosion, they break down into smaller particles that are transported by wind and water to a place of deposition, where they can form into sedimentary rock strata, through a process of lithification, where excess water is squeezed out by overburden pressures and the particles are cemented together by various minerals precipitating out of solution. Igneous and metamorphic rocks can both be turned into sedimentary rocks in this way.------->
Igneous and sedimentary rocks can also be changed by heat and/or pressure into metamorphic rocks, by transforming their existing mineral structures into new minerals or realigning the existing minerals. There are different degrees of metamorphism, so even an existing metamorphic rock can become a different metamorphic rock. -------->
If these metamorphic rocks are melted, then solidify, they become igneous rocks, and the cycle starts all over again.
The rock cycle is largely driven by lithospheric plate movements which cause subduction and uplift, also by climatic conditions and the associated erosional elements.
"The Rock Cycle" is a song about two interrelated subjects. First, it is about the theory of "plate tectonics". This theory explains that Earth's crust
is made up of many plates, which float on the molten rock beneath them. There are cracks, or faults, where these plates meet and here earthquakes and volcanoes often appear when the plates move.
The second related topic in this song is, of course, where it gets its name. The lyrics explain how rocks are formed, and identify the three different types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) and differences in how each type is formed. Voilá - the Rock Cycle!!
Now Plate Tectonics is the theory
That crust is movin' under me
Continents they drift apart
'Cause molten rock is in Earth's heart
Scientists say there are three ways
That plates can move around these days
Convergent, Divergent, and Transform-Fault
Is what this rumbling's all about
Let it rock! the rock cycle
Let it rock! the rock cycle
The rock cycle, the rock cycle, let it rock!
Two hundred million years ago
Pangaea was the land below
Continents they drift apart
Heat and pressure is the start
Check the seismograph it shakes!
Plates are moving - EARTHQUAKES!
Rumble underground below
Better run, she's gonna BLOW!
Now magma pushes through the crust
And when it cools it's Igneous
The next in line is elementary
Weathering makes it Sedimentary
Then heat and pressure make rocks change
The stuff inside can rearrange
The final rock, you can't ignore it,
Yeah, you know, it's Metamorphic!
The rock cycle song is about plate tectonics and their theory explaining how rocks are formed in different ways and their further three types such as igneous (comes within the volcano when erupts), metamorphic (formed by heat), and sedimentary (small pieces that are found in the river) each with its own property.
Traditionally a balance was used to measure mass. Objects of known or accepted mass was balanced against another object of unknown mass. When the balance was level the two pans had the same mass. The term balance or scales is still used even though there is no balance used. The scales were the pans that the objects sat on.Now electronic balances are used that gauge the mass of the objects. While you can measure mass with a spring loaded scale, it is less accurate than a balance as it relies on a spring loaded to a specific acceleration of gravity for any given mass. A change in altitude will change the results given on the scale, due to the actual change in gravitational force (it is small at only about 0.031% error for every kilometer increase in altitude)*. A balance would experience no such change as the mass of an unknown quantity is compared to the mass of a known quantity, thus negating any effects of gravity.Another instrument that measures mass is an inertial balance. An inertial balance doesn't require gravity to work, so it can be used in space. It measures the mass of an object by attaching it to a spring and seeing how it affects the spring's period of oscillation.Very tiny masses can be measured directly (using a "massometer"). But we normally use scales, which measure weight, which is directly proportional to mass (a property of matter equal to its resistance to a change in speed or direction of travel). The mass of an object is the same everywhere in the universe. Its weight, however, changes depending upon its location: a Bowling ball has greater weight on the surface of the Earth than it does on the Moon. Great confusion arises when people interchange units of weight with units of mass. Scientists, particularly physicists, are very careful about not using the terms interchangeably, but regular folks have no choice for practical applications. For example, when you weigh a regulation ten-pin bowling ball, the scale will tell you it "weighs" between 4 and 7 (3.63 to 7.27 actually) kilograms, even though the kilogram is, technically speaking, a unit of mass, not weight.You can also measure the mass of an object using a scale, as long as you factor in the gravitational constant (G). For instance, in an environment with only 1/2 the gravity of That on earth, you would have to double the weight displayed on the scale to determine the actual mass. As an example, 10Kg of lead in a 0.5G environment would only "weigh" 5Kg on a scale...half as much as on earth, even though its mass is unchanged.
Remember This Song Water Travels In A Cycle Yes It Does! Water Travels In A Cycle Yes It Does! It Goes Up In Evaporation, Forms Clouds In Condensation, Then Goes Down In Precipitation Yes It Does!!!!
The energy for the water cycle comes primarily from the sun. Solar energy drives the evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, and rivers. It also powers the condensation of water vapor into clouds and fuels the circulation of air, which moves clouds around the globe.
These are parts of the water cycle on the Earth.
Another name for the water cycle is the hydrologic cycle.
The water cycle is also called the hydro-logic cycle.
No you can't
Remember This Song Water Travels In A Cycle Yes It Does! Water Travels In A Cycle Yes It Does! It Goes Up In Evaporation, Forms Clouds In Condensation, Then Goes Down In Precipitation Yes It Does!!!!
The energy for the water cycle comes primarily from the sun. Solar energy drives the evaporation of water from oceans, lakes, and rivers. It also powers the condensation of water vapor into clouds and fuels the circulation of air, which moves clouds around the globe.
The Window - song cycle - was created in 1870.
The water cycle
These are parts of the water cycle on the Earth.
Winter Words - song cycle - was created in 1954.
song cycle
Another name for the water cycle is the hydrologic cycle.
The water cycle is also called the hydro-logic cycle.
Yes, water cycle ensure that we can have fresh water. It helps in recycling the water.
The rock cycle and water cycle both are natural.