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The volume of all fresh water on Earth would be about 8 to 10 million cubic miles. That sounds like a lot except that 2/3 of that is frozen into glaciers and the ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica.


Estimates vary on the percent of the Earth's water that is fresh, but it is only about 2.5 to 3% of the Earth's water. Most of this fresh water is frozen in the ice caps (Greenland and Antarctica) and in glaciers.

NASA says Earth's total water content is about 1.39 billion cubic kilometers (331 million cubic miles) and that 2.5% of that is fresh water. (And 68.9% of it is locked up in glaciers) The US Geological Survey says that up to 3% of the world's water is fresh.

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8mo ago

The total volume of fresh water on Earth is estimated to be about 10,633,450 cubic kilometers. This includes all sources of fresh water such as rivers, lakes, groundwater, and atmospheric water vapor.

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Q: What is the total volume of fresh water on earth in volume?
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What is the total quantity of fresh water on earth?

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The total volume of water on Earth is estimated at 1.386 billion km³ (333 million cubic miles). About 97.5% of water on Earth is salt water and 2.5% fresh water. Of the 2.5% fresh water, only 0.3% is in liquid form on the surface.

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Fresh water reserves constitute about 2.5-2.75% of the total water on Earth.

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Fresh water in frozen glaciers and ice caps accounts for about 69% of the total amount of fresh water on earth.

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3% of Earth's water is fresh and of this 3%, 69% is Ice.Thus 97% of Earth's water is saltyand 2.07 of the fresh water is Ice.Which means 99.07% of Earth's water is not liquid fresh water.__________________________________________________________________The percentage of fresh water volume to total water is 2.5 %.Of this total volume 70% is ice.Of this fresh water around 30% is underground water.Fresh water lakes and rivers contain around 0.3% of total fresh water.The total usable fresh water is less than 1% of all fresh water resources.refer to link below

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What is the total volume of the world's fresh and salt water in cubic miles?

The Earth's total amount of water has a volume of about 344 million cubic miles. 97% or 333.68 million cubic miles of this is seawater. Of the 3% or 10.32 million cubic miles left as fresh water, some 2% or 6.88 million cubic miles of the total is frozen.

What is the total volume of salt water on earth?

685,767,231 mi3

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The density of ice is about 0.917 of that of fresh water.Essentially all the world's ice is locked up in the Antarctic, and it is likewise essentially the total volume of fresh water on Earth.It is ~ 3 - 4 % of the Earths total water, of which most is in the Oceans.The volume of the Oceans is about 1.3x109km3. So 3 or 4 % of that volume is the volume of earth's ice. I'm sure your calculator can handle the calculation.It is not worth making the correction for the manner in which ice expands when it freezes, for the numbers are necessarily approximate.

What is the volume of total water on earth?

The total volume of water on earth is 1.3 billion cubic kilometers. This is equal to 310 million cubic weight of water on earth is 1.4x1021kg.1 kg is approx equal to 1L of water,so approx 1.4x1021L of water.