California is in the Pacific Time Zone or GMT -8 hours.
California is in Pacific Standard Time (PST = UTC - 8 hrs.) from the first Sunday of November until the second Sunday of March.
California is in Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT = UTC - 7 hrs.) from the second Sunday of March until the first Sunday of November.
California is Pacific Time, GMT-8.
Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5), while California is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT-8). Maryland is 3 hours ahead of California.
It would be 10am in California. California is in the PDT (GMT-8) time zone and London is in the GMT time zone. Therefore, California is eight hours behind London. Both zones observe daylight savings.
Eastern Standard Time zone {EST} = GMT-5 Central Standard Time zone {CST} = GMT -6 Mountain Standard Time zone {MST} = GMT -7 Pacific Standard Time zone {PST} = GMT -8 Alaska Standard Time zone {AST} = GMT -9 Hawaii Standard Time zone {HST}= GMT -10
Sacramento, California is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT-7), while Illinois is in the Central Time Zone (GMT-6). Therefore, Illinois is one hour ahead of Sacramento.
California is Pacific Time, GMT-8.
Maryland is in the Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5), while California is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT-8). Maryland is 3 hours ahead of California.
Dubai time zone is UTC + 4
Answer:New York is in the US Eastern Standard Time Zone (EST). California is in the US Pacific Standard Time Zone (PST). Eastern time is three hours ahead of Pacific time.Example:If it were 6:00 pm in New York, the time in California would be 3:00 pm.More information:US Time Zone-------------------GMT/UTC Zone----Military Zone---- US Eastern Standard Time = GMT -5 = UTC -5 = R (Romeo)US Pacific Standard Time = GMT -8 = UTC -8 = U (Uniform)
It would be 10am in California. California is in the PDT (GMT-8) time zone and London is in the GMT time zone. Therefore, California is eight hours behind London. Both zones observe daylight savings.
Eastern Standard Time zone {EST} = GMT-5 Central Standard Time zone {CST} = GMT -6 Mountain Standard Time zone {MST} = GMT -7 Pacific Standard Time zone {PST} = GMT -8 Alaska Standard Time zone {AST} = GMT -9 Hawaii Standard Time zone {HST}= GMT -10
Sacramento, California is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT-7), while Illinois is in the Central Time Zone (GMT-6). Therefore, Illinois is one hour ahead of Sacramento.
"GMT" is the English time zone, "CET" is the German time zone, which is GMT +1.
It is in the GMT time zone.
Florida is in the Eastern Time Zone, which is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT -5).
The farthest time zone from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the Line Islands Time Zone, which is UTC14 hours.
The West Africa time zone (GMT +1) Then Central African time (GMT + 2)