New York City - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. Greece is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +2 hours, ie. 2 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. New York City is 7 hours behind Greece. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
Greece is always one hour ahead of Spain.
1 PM CET (UTC+1) in Spain = 2 PM EET (UTC+2) in Greece
2 PM CEST (UTC+2) in Spain = 3 PM EEST (UTC+3) in Greece
Japan is seven hours ahead of Greece from the last Sunday of October until the last Sunday of March. The rest of the year, Japan is six hours ahead.
Greece is ten hours ahead of California an average of 341 days per year. On the other 24 days per year, Greece is nine hours ahead.
Time difference between and Greece and US Eastern Time
Time DiffEurope/Athens is ahead of America/Chicago by 7 hours
The time difference between South Africa and the UK is generally 2 hours during the UK summer time when the clocks go forward, and 1 hour during the UK winter time when the clocks go back.
There is no time difference between the UK and Heathrow as Heathrow is located in London, which is in the UK. Both locations operate on the same standard time zone, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or British Summer Time (BST) during daylight saving time.
In May, there is a 6-hour time difference between the UK and Texas. Texas is typically 6 hours behind the UK.
The time difference between Niagara Falls, Canada, and the UK is usually 5 hours. However, this can vary depending on daylight saving time changes in each location.
Yes. The UK is in the GMT time zone but France is in the CET (GMT+1) time zone making France 1 hour ahead of the UK.
Greece is smaller than the UK.
What is the time difference between the UK and Australia
The driving distance from London, UK to Athens, Greece is 3146km
how much will it cost to ship a car from greece to uk
There is no time difference.
502.9 Miles
UK is one hour earlier
The time difference between South Africa and the UK is generally 2 hours during the UK summer time when the clocks go forward, and 1 hour during the UK winter time when the clocks go back.
Depending on where you are in america - between 5 & 8 hours behind UK time.
There is no time difference between the UK and Heathrow as Heathrow is located in London, which is in the UK. Both locations operate on the same standard time zone, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or British Summer Time (BST) during daylight saving time.
In May, there is a 6-hour time difference between the UK and Texas. Texas is typically 6 hours behind the UK.
time difference is GMT + 1 hour. if the time in the UK is 10AM in majorca it will be 11AM.