Canada has 5 Time Zones. Atlantic Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -4 hours, ie. 4 hours behind Greenwich, England. Eastern Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. Central Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -6 hours, ie. 6 hours behind Greenwich, England. Mountain Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -7 hours, ie. 7 hours behind Greenwich, England. Pacific Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England.
Canada spans multiple time zones, ranging from UTC-8 in the west (Pacific Time Zone) to UTC-3.5 in the east (Newfoundland Time Zone). The time difference from east to west in Canada can be up to 4.5 hours.
Pacific Standard Time (PST/UTC-8) is one hour behind Mountain Standard Time (MST/UTC-7).
Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT/UTC-7) is the same as MST.
MST is one hour behind Mountain Daylight Saving Time (MDT/UTC-6).
MDT is the same as Central Standard Time (CST/UTC-6).
CST is one hour behind Central Daylight Saving Time (CDT/UTC-5).
CDT is the same as Eastern Standard Time (EST/UTC-5).
EST is one hour behind Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT/UTC-4).
EDT is the same as Atlantic Standard Time (AST/UTC-4).
AST is one half hour behind Newfoundland Standard Time (NST/UTC-3:30).
AST is one hour behind Atlantic Daylight Saving Time (ADT/UTC-3).
ADT is one half hour behind Newfoundland Daylight Saving Time (NDT/UTC-2:30).
The east coast of the U.S. is three hours ahead of the west coast of the U.S.
The two states that are only an hour apart in time difference are Maine on the east coast and Florida on the east coast, and Washington on the west coast and California on the west coast.
For every 15 degrees of longitude difference, there is approximately a one-hour time difference. Therefore, places that are 60 degrees east of your home would be about 4 hours ahead of your home time, while places that are 60 degrees west would be about 4 hours behind.
The time difference between the east coast and the west coast of the United States is due to their respective positions within different time zones. The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, each roughly 15 degrees of longitude wide. When it is noon on the east coast, it is 9 am on the west coast due to the Earth's rotation.
Yes and no. Time zones change from east to West, not from North to South, and so some of Canada is in the Eastern time zone with Maryland, but much of it is not.
30 degree East and 80 degree west time difference
East Canada and West Canada of the Province of Canada was divided along religion and language with English dominating in West Canada and French in East Canada.
Canada East :)
Canada East and Canada West were not "created." They were merely geographical designations within the pre-Confederation Province of Canada.
The east coast is on the east and the west coast is on the west.
four hours
No. They are in the same time zone.
Ottawa is in the east.
Assuming that they are in the same time zone, there is no time difference. Only longitude (East-West) affects time.
Canada East and Canada West were the former Lower Canada and Upper Canada respectively. Lower Canada and Upper Canada were united into the Province of Canada in 1841 by the British Parliament. The terms Canada East and Canada West were terms of description, not names of separate entities.