Germany is on UTC/GMT +1 hour
NYC is on UTC/GMT -5 hours
This makes a 6 hour time difference between the two.
The time difference between New York City and Frankfurt, Germany is typically 6 hours. Frankfurt is 6 hours ahead of New York City.
The time difference between Dallas, Texas, and Frankfurt, Germany, is 7 hours. Frankfurt is 7 hours ahead of Dallas.
The time difference between the US and Frankfurt, Germany can vary depending on the location in the US. Generally, Frankfurt is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) and 9 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
The US Central time zone is five hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC -5). And Guangzhou's time zone is eight hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8). Thus, there are thirteen hours difference between these two time zones.
The time difference between the United States and Frankfurt, Germany varies depending on the time of year due to Daylight Saving Time changes. Generally, Frankfurt is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the U.S. and 9 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
The time difference between Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Germany is 6 hours. Chattanooga is 6 hours behind Germany.
The time difference between Dallas, Texas, and Frankfurt, Germany, is 7 hours. Frankfurt is 7 hours ahead of Dallas.
4 hours 8 AM in Frankfurt, Germany, is noon in Bangalore, India.
7 hours
Germany is nine timezones ahead of Pacific Time.
A typical flight between Seoul, South Korea and Frankfurt, Germany would have a flying time of about 10 hours, 39 minutes.
Frankfurt, Germany, is eight hours ahead of Denver, Colorado. Denver is in the Mountain time zone, and Frankfurt is in the Central European time zone. Both locations respect daylight savings time every year.
The time difference between Frankfurt, Germany, and London, England, is one hour. London is one hours ahead of Frankfurt. Frankfurt is in the Central European time zone while London is on British Summer Time from March's last Sunday to October's last Sunday every year and on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) the rest of the year.
Seven hours: Mexico City lies on the GMT-6 timezone while Frankfurt lies on GMT+1.
The time difference between the US and Frankfurt, Germany can vary depending on the location in the US. Generally, Frankfurt is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) and 9 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
The US Central time zone is five hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC -5). And Guangzhou's time zone is eight hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8). Thus, there are thirteen hours difference between these two time zones.
about 7 hours long by plane