There are two time zones abbreviated EST and two time zones abbreviated BST.
Eastern Standard Time in Australia is 4 hrs. ahead of Bangladesh Standard Time.
Bangladesh Standard Time is 11 hrs. ahead of Eastern Standard Time in North America.
Eastern Standard Time in Australia is 9 hrs. ahead of British Summer Time.
British Summer Time is 6 hrs. ahead of Eastern Standard Time in North America.
The time difference between BST (London) and EDT (New York) is 5 hours, with London being 5 hours later than New York.
The continental U.S. has 3 other time zones. The difference between BST and CDT (St. Louis, Missouri) is 6 hours, BST and MDT (Denver, Colorado) is 7 hours, and BST and PDT (Los Angeles, California) is 8 hours.
Seattle, Washington is 8-10 hours behind Windhoek, Namibia. Both places are on daylight saving time [DST]. But their start/end dates don't coincide. When they're both on DST, Seattle is 9 hours behind Windhoek. When Seattle is on DST but Namibia is off, Seattle is only 8 hours behind. When Namibia is on DST but Seattle isn't, Seattle is 10 hours behind.
In 2009, Daylight Saving Time (DST) ended on Sunday, October 25th. Clocks were set back one hour at 2:00 AM local time.
BST stands for British Summer Time and is the time zone used in the United Kingdom during the summer months when daylight saving time is in effect. It is GMT+1 hour.
The abbreviation for Daylight Saving Time is "DST".
The time difference between New York, NY and Tel Aviv, Israel is 7 hours. Tel Aviv was 7 hours ahead of New York. Both New York and Israel do Daylight Saving Time (DST), but in the U.S. it starts about 2 weeks earlier and ends 1 to 2 months later. The time difference is 7 hours when both are on DST. When only the U.S. is on DST, the time difference is 6 hours. 7 AM EST = 2 PM IST 8 AM EDT = 3 PM IDT 8 AM EDT = 2 PM IST
Today, March 29, 2008, time difference between Poland & Chicago USA is 6 hours, but that will change on Sunday morning at 0100 Polish time when Poland switches to daylight savings time (DST) . The USA is already on DST. The normal time difference when Poland & Chicago are both on DST, or both are on winter time, is 7 hours.
Seattle, Washington is 8-10 hours behind Windhoek, Namibia. Both places are on daylight saving time [DST]. But their start/end dates don't coincide. When they're both on DST, Seattle is 9 hours behind Windhoek. When Seattle is on DST but Namibia is off, Seattle is only 8 hours behind. When Namibia is on DST but Seattle isn't, Seattle is 10 hours behind.
The time difference between New Zealand and England (UK) varies between 11 and 13 hours throughout the year. Generally, when New Zealand is on Daylight Savings Time the time difference is 13 hours and when the UK is on Daylight Savings Time the time difference is 11 hours. The difference is 12 hours in the cross-over periods (when both observe DST at the same time which is approx. 2 months a year). The best way to check is via a time difference calculator. UK is at UT = 0. New Zealand is UT + 12 hours, apart from the Chatham Islands which are UT + 12.45. And of course, civil time in both countries use Summer Time a.k.a. Daylight Saving Time as appropriate.
The time difference between Michigan and Aruba ranges from no difference to 2 hours. Most of Michigan is in the Eastern Time Zone. Four counties in the western Upper Peninsula [Dickinson, Gogebic, Iron, Menominee] are in the Central Time Zone.Aruba doesn't observe daylight saving time [DST] when clocks are set one hour ahead. During DST, most of Michigan is the same time as Aruba. During DST, the four Central Time Zone counties are one hour behind Aruba. The rest of the year, most of Michigan is one hour behind Aruba, and the four counties are two hours behind.
The time difference is 10 hours with Singapore ahead of Rio since it is east of Rio. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is on GMT -3 time, unless it is Daylight Saving Time (as it is in February 2009) and then it is [GMT -3 (+1 for DST)]= GMT -2. Singapore is in the time zone GMT +8 (DST does not apply). So the time difference between the two locations is ten hours. Example: If it were 6:00 am in Rio, it would be 4:00 pm in Singapore.
The time in Cuba is the same as the time in New York 99.966% of the time. The only difference is that Cuba begins Daylight Saving Time (DST) two hours before New York does and ends DST one hour before New York.07:00 EST = 07:00 CUST = 08:00 EDT = 08:00 CUDT
Ignoring DST and time zone difference, I figure the actual flight is approx 5-1/2 hours.
In 2009, Daylight Saving Time (DST) ended on Sunday, October 25th. Clocks were set back one hour at 2:00 AM local time.
BST stands for British Summer Time and is the time zone used in the United Kingdom during the summer months when daylight saving time is in effect. It is GMT+1 hour.
In winter Missouri uses Central Standard Time (CST) and London uses Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and in summer both locations apply a correction of plus 1 hour for Daylight Saving Time (known as British Summer Time in the UK) so London is 6 hours ahead of Missouri meaning that at 2 am in Missouri, it is 8 am in London.However it should be noted that the start and end dates of DST and BST do not match. As such there are points in the year where London will only be 5 hours ahead of Missouri.For example in 2009, DST commenced at 2 am on the 8th of March however BST did not commence until the 29th of March. Further to this BST reverted to GMT on the 25th of October whereas DST did not revert to CMT until the 1st of November, meaning there were approx. 26 days where London was only 5 hours ahead of Missouri.
The abbreviation for Daylight Saving Time is "DST".
The time difference between New York, NY and Tel Aviv, Israel is 7 hours. Tel Aviv was 7 hours ahead of New York. Both New York and Israel do Daylight Saving Time (DST), but in the U.S. it starts about 2 weeks earlier and ends 1 to 2 months later. The time difference is 7 hours when both are on DST. When only the U.S. is on DST, the time difference is 6 hours. 7 AM EST = 2 PM IST 8 AM EDT = 3 PM IDT 8 AM EDT = 2 PM IST