You can use w/o. In medical shorthand without is a s with a line over it and with is a c with a line over it
A mountain on a map is typically represented by a triangular symbol with the peak pointing upwards. The symbol may also be accompanied by contour lines to show the elevation and shape of the mountain.
The symbol for wires that are not joined is a dot placed at the intersection point of the wires. This indicates that the wires are connected without actually physically touching or being spliced together.
C A: Writing only the chemical symbols without the correct subscript Ca2+: Adding a positive charge without specifying the charge in a chemical formula
The atomic symbol for oxygen is O. The chemistry symbol for water is H2O. Water covers about 70 percent of our planet & is needed to support life. Without it, we would not exist.
If a number is placed directly before a set of parentheses without a mathematical symbol, it typically implies multiplication. For example, "3(4)" would be interpreted as 3 multiplied by 4.
what is the stock symbol in
you can spell it out
The greater than symbol is ">" and the less than symbol is "<", without the quotes.
W/and w/o
≥ but without the line underneath.
The Lambda symbol- resembling the letter A without the horizontal bar is associated with Lesbianism in some circles.
Many programs will autocorrect (c) to the copyright symbol. Otherwise, you can insert a symbol from the keyboard map. In Microsoft Word, for example, select "Symbol" from the "Insert" menu.
Yes, you can use the copyright symbol () without registering your work. Registration is not required for copyright protection, but it does provide additional benefits and legal advantages.
which party could participate in the indian election with the same symbol without change
The symbol that means "without end" is the infinity symbol. It looks like a number 8 lying on its side. The infinity symbol is used in mathematics, but it also has a philosophical meaning, suggesting the eternal or infinite nature of Ultimate Reality or God. It lends a mystical quality to jewelry, tattoos, and other designs.
Achilles is known for his shield. He is never seen without it.
no it is the symbol of the religion