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rod-shaped structure..somewhat similar to sausages stuck together.

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2w ago

Bacteria found in yogurt are typically rod-shaped (bacilli) or spherical (cocci) in structure. They are usually unicellular and are classified as prokaryotic organisms, lacking distinct organelles and a nucleus.

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Q: What is the shape and structure of bacteria found in yogurt?
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What shape are yogurt bacteria?

There are two types usually found in yogurt. One is lactobacillus and it is rod shaped. The other is a streptococcus. This one is made of cocci (round like a grape) in strings or similar to pearls on a necklace.

The structure that surrounds the bacteria and gives it shape is known as?

This structure is called as Cell Wall that gives shape to the bacteria. This wall gives protection to the bacteria and prevents it from exploding because of osmotic lysis.

Which organelle would the spirulina bacterium have provided?

The spirulina bacterium would provide the chloroplast organelle to the eukaryotic cell it was engulfed by. Chloroplasts are specialized organelles that perform photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose.

Is the rigid helix found in spirochetes or in spirilla?

The rigid helix structure is found in spirochetes, which are spiral-shaped bacteria characterized by their flexible, corkscrew-like shape that allows them to move in a corkscrew motion. Spirilla, on the other hand, are spiral-shaped bacteria with a more rigid structure that do not exhibit the same flexible helical shape as spirochetes.

What shape is yogurt bacteria?

It is called a rod because it is long and ... well, "rod" shaped. Specifically it's different types of "gram positive rod" type bacteria.

Which is apiral bacteria cell called?

A spiral-shaped bacteria cell is called a spirillum. This type of bacteria is elongated and helical in shape, allowing it to move in a corkscrew-like manner. Spirilla are known for their unique spiral structure and are found in various environments.

Which shape is found most often within a structure?

Triangle. Its the strongest geometric shape

What gives the cell its shape and provides protection but not found in animal cells?

The cell wall gives the cell its shape and provides protection, and is not found in animal cells. It is a rigid layer that surrounds the cell membrane in plant cells, fungi, and some bacteria, providing structure and support to the cell.

Do all bacteria have a spiral shape?

No, not all bacteria have a spiral shape. Bacteria come in various shapes such as spheres (cocci), rods (bacilli), and spirals (spirilla). The shape of a bacterium is determined by its cell wall structure and genetic makeup.

How do you differentiate between yeasts and bacteria under the microscope?

Yeasts are larger single-celled organisms that appear round or oval, with a clear membrane and may have buds or pseudohyphae. Bacteria are smaller single-celled organisms that can vary in shape (rods, spheres, spirals) and often appear in clusters or chains. Gram staining can help further differentiate between the two groups based on their cell wall composition.

What causes a cell to change shape in bacteria?

Cells in bacteria can change shape in response to environmental conditions, nutrient availability, and cell division. Changes in cell shape can be facilitated by the rearrangement of the cytoskeleton, modifications in cell wall synthesis, or alterations in cell surface proteins. These shape changes allow bacteria to adapt to different environments and optimize their growth and survival.

What the surface of staphylococcus?

Staphlococci are bacteria with a round shape when viewed under a microscope. There are many types of staph bacteria. All bacteria have protein walls which are have a unique molecular structure to the type of bacterium, so only the correct antibody can fit this structure and destroy the bacterium cell.