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When food travels from the stomach back to the mouth, it is called regurgitation.

In some animals, this is normally emesis, or vomiting. In ruminants such as cows, it is called chewing the cud. Birds normally regurgitate swallowed food to feed their young.

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Q: What is the return of swallowed food to the mouth called?
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Which term describes the return of the swallowed food into the mouth?


What helps push food down to the back of the mouth where it is swallowed?

The tongue is a muscle which pushes food to the back of the mouth, where it the food is then swallowed.

What moves food mass in a small softball to the rear of the mouth where it is swallowed?

your muscles do and the process is called peristalsis.

What is the medical term meaning return of swallowed food into the mouth?

Depending on the force of the return, this occurrence could be considered regurgitation or vomiting. If the food in the mouth is not forced out of the mouth, perhaps leaves a bitter taste in the back of the throat or heartburn, the occurrence would be considered regurgitation. If the food is violently forced out of the mouth, perhaps with nausea beforehand or dry heaves afterwards, the occurrence is considered vomiting.

What is it that makes food get absorbed in ones mouth?

Saliva in the mouth makes it easier for food to be swallowed and digested.

What helps push the food to the back of the mouth where it is swallowed?


What is a food ball that is prepared in the mouth and swallowed?

a bolus

What is a soft mass of chemical chewed food ready to be swallowed?

A soft mass of chemical chewed food ready to be swallowed is called a bolus. The bolus is formed in the mouth during the process of chewing and mixing food with saliva to aid in swallowing and digestion.

What is the softball of food formed in the mouth after chewing?

The semi-solid mass of food formed in the mouth after chewing is called a bolus. It is a mixture of food particles, saliva, and enzymes that can easily be swallowed to continue the process of digestion.

What makes food into a small lump called a bolus?

Food is transformed into a small lump called a bolus through the process of chewing and mixing it with saliva in the mouth. The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food in the mouth helps form the bolus, which is then swallowed and passes through the esophagus into the stomach where further digestion occurs.

Is the esophagus the organ through which swallowed food pushes?

Yes, the esophagus carries food from your mouth to your stomach.

Where does the digestion occur in the body?

It starts in your mouth and ends in your large intestine.