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Assuming you mean thermal expansion, copper expands volumetrically via dV/dT=aV*V where aV is the expansion coefficient of copper (51X10-6/oC), V is the volume, T is the temperature, and dV/dT is the rate at which it expands with temperature.

The solution to that differential equation, by the way, is:




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3w ago

Copper expands at a rate of approximately 16.5 x 10^-6 per degree Celsius. This means that for every one-degree Celsius increase in temperature, copper will expand by 0.0000165 times its original size.

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10y ago

Brass as it is made from 2 diffrent elements, including copper. the first metal tools were made out of copper, then bronze, bronze is stronger then iron, but since iron is much more abundant, the broze age gave way to the iron age, some where between the iron and bronze age, using brass for ornamentry objects became popular. (All this happened hundreds, if not thoulsands of years ago.

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