The absolute location of Geneva, Switzerland is approximately 46.2044° N latitude and 6.1432° E longitude.
Geneva stands on the Rhone River in Switzerland.
Geneva, Switzerland is in the Central European Time Zone (CET) during standard time and Central European Summer Time (CEST) during daylight saving time.
If it is 12:21 pm Eastern time in the US, it would be 6:21 pm in Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva is 6 hours ahead of Eastern time.
The zip code is 8003
The World Trade Organization which was established in 1995, is located in Geneva, Switzerland
No Geneva is in Switzerland, and Switzerland is a republic.
Lake Geneva is located in Geneva in Switzerland
No, Geneva is not a country it is a city in Switzerland. It is the westernmost city in Switzerland.They speak French in Geneva. In French the city is called Genève.
Geneva is the capital of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. It is the westernmost city in Switzerland. Bern is the capital of Switzerland.
Yes, Geneva is the westernmost city in Switzerland
It is at Rue Du Lac in Geneva, Switzerland.
Geneva, Switzerland
Avenue Appia, Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva is a city in Switzerland. Bern is the capital city of Switzerland.
Geneva, Switzerland.