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The medical term for an abnormal condition of fungus in the nose is "fungal rhinosinusitis." This condition can cause nasal congestion, facial pain, and sinusitis-like symptoms. Treatment typically involves antifungal medications and sometimes surgery to remove the infected tissue.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning abnormal condition of fungus in the nose?
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What is the medical term meaning study of fungus?

Mycology is the medical term that refers to the study of fungus.

What is the medical term meaning Disease of the mouth due to fungus?

The medical term for Disease of the mouth due to fungus is Oral Thrush. It is a type of yeast infection caused by the overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans in the mouth. Symptoms include white patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, and roof of the mouth, as well as discomfort and difficulty swallowing.

What is the perfect state of Phytophthora infestans?

P. infestans is the fungus that caused the Irish Potato Famine. As for its "perfect state," it's not clear what the question refers to. If "perfect" has the rigorous meaning of "complete," then probably the condition of feeding on a potato (it can affect other crops, as well) and producing spores is as good as it gets -- from the fungus's perspective. From the Irish grower's perspective, the perfect condition would be "extinct."

How do you eat toe fungus through a straw?

It is not safe or advisable to try to consume toe fungus in any way. Fungal infections can be harmful to your health and should be treated by a medical professional. If you have concerns about toe fungus, it is best to seek medical advice for proper treatment.

What fungus acts as a facultative parasite?

The fungus Candida albicans can act as a facultative parasite, meaning it can exist as a commensal organism in the human body but can also cause infections, particularly in immunocompromised individuals.

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What is the medical term meaning study of fungus?

Mycology is the medical term that refers to the study of fungus.

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What is the medical term for abnormal condition of fungus in the nose?

Mycosis is the general term for any disease caused by a fungus. Some examples of mycoses are histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, candidiasis, ring worm, barber's itch, tinea infections, actinomycosis, mycetoma, sporotrichosis, and aspergillosis.

What is The medical term meaning any fungal infection of a fingernail or toenail?

OnychomycosisOnychomycosis is the medical term meaning nail fungus.Onychomycosis is the medical term for toenail fungus. There are several toenail fungus treatment methods available. Among them are the natural alternative of Epsom Salt soaks: For a medical approach, using lasers as toenail fungus treatment is a new method: is a fungal infection of the nail.onychomycosisonychomycosisonychomycosisonychomicosisOnychomycosis is a fungal infection of the fingernail or toenail.onychomycosisOnychomycosisonychomycosisThe scientific name for fungal infection of the nail is onychomycosis. You may have this condition if your nails are thickening, brittle, misshaped, dull, or a dark color.

Fungal infection of the ear?

Otomycosis is a fungal infection of the ear.Otomycosis means a fungus condition of the earOtomycosis: ot/o/myc/osis: An infection of the external auditory meatus of the ear caused by a fungus infestation. SYN: mycomyringitis; myringomycosis; otitis mycotica.ot/o: earmyc: fungus-osis: abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)

What is the combining form that means flesh?

Myco- is the medical terminology combining form meaning fungus or fungal.the combining form meaning fungus is myc/o.

What does toe fungus taste like?

Toe fungus does not have a taste since it is a medical condition affecting the feet and skin, not a food or substance meant to be ingested. It is important to seek proper medical treatment if you suspect you have toe fungus.

What is the medical term meaning Inflammation of the mouth with small ulcers?

stomatitis minor ulcerosaUlcerative stomatitisstomatitis ulcerosa, aphthae (if infected by fungus)