New Zealand is located at latitude -40.900557 and longitude 174.885971.
The latitude range of Korea is approximately 33° to 43° N, and the longitude range is approximately 124° to 132° E.
The latitude and longitude of Astana, Kazakhstan is approximately 51.1694° N, 71.4491° E.
An island located at 100 latitude and 74 longitude does not exist as 100 latitude is beyond the range of latitudes on Earth. The latitude range on Earth is approximately -90 to 90, so a latitude of 100 would not be valid.
A globe or a map.
Latitude . . . . . 13.92° N -- 22.51° N Longitude . . . . . 100.09° E -- 107.68° E
New Zealand is located at latitude -40.900557 and longitude 174.885971.
The latitude range of Korea is approximately 33° to 43° N, and the longitude range is approximately 124° to 132° E.
The latitude and longitude of Astana, Kazakhstan is approximately 51.1694° N, 71.4491° E.
An island located at 100 latitude and 74 longitude does not exist as 100 latitude is beyond the range of latitudes on Earth. The latitude range on Earth is approximately -90 to 90, so a latitude of 100 would not be valid.
Including its coastal islands, Antarctica occupies a range of more than 50° degrees of latitude, and all 360° of longitude.
The equator is located at 0 latitude. Fullstop. Being a parallel it spans the whole range in longitude, from 0 to 180 and back again.
A globe or a map.
Latitude, 0 to 90 N and S Longitude 0 to 360.
The system of latitude and longitude coordinates was invented as a means of specifying locations on the earth. Every location on the earth has a unique set of latitude and longitude coordinates, and every possible pair of latitude/longitude numbers you can name is on the earth.Perhaps the best answer to the question is: "All of them."
The Rio Grande River's coordinates range from approximately 31.6248° N latitude to 25.8910° N latitude and from 106.4688° W longitude to 98.2120° W longitude.
Minnesota occupies all latitudes in the range from 43.5° to 49.38° north, and all longitudes in the range from 89.49° to 97.24° west. Any latitude or longitude you choose within these ranges crosses some part of Minnesota.