The latitude difference between London, England and New York City is approximately 10 degrees. London is located at around 51.5 degrees north latitude, while New York City is located at around 40.7 degrees north latitude.
The time difference between Perth, Australia and London, England using GMT is 8 hours. Perth is 8 hours ahead of London.
Time difference between London, England UK and Mumbai, Maharashtra India is: +5:30 hrs Mumbai is 5:30 hours ahead of London That means when it is 9:00 am in London, it is 2:30 pm in Mumbai.
There is a 1-hour time difference between London, England, and Bilbao, Spain. London is in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zone, while Bilbao is in the Central European Time (CET) zone.
London is 5 hours ahead of Ecuador.
London, England is usually 6 hours ahead of Plano, Texas.
What time the time difference between Taba and Newcastle England
I'm curious to know; What is the time difference between London England and Jonesville MI US? Sincerely Yours, sumiba78
There is no time difference between any two points within England.
Connecticut is -5 hours behind London.
Luxembourg is an hour ahead of England.
4 hours
8 hours
Roughly about 5 hours
There is no time difference between any two points within England.
5 hours
The time difference between Perth, Australia and London, England using GMT is 8 hours. Perth is 8 hours ahead of London.