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The larynx in males is larger than in females. Both have far more overtones than does the larynx of a child. The male's larynx produces lower notes than the females. While women and children produce sound in the same range their larynxes produce a different type of sound. The sound a female makes is far more comforting to babies and small children. The male voice travels over a greater distance. At one time the differences affected the type of work people did. Today, with people working in offices or on assembly lines, the differences in the size of larynxes has far less effect on the type of work done in western societies.

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9mo ago

The larynx, or voice box, is typically larger and more prominent in males than in females. This size difference is due to hormonal influences during puberty, which lead to a deeper voice in males compared to females. Additionally, the Adam's apple, a protrusion of the laryngeal cartilage, is more prominent in males.

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