There are several countries in Southwest Asia. In addition, the exact location and borders of Southwest Asia is hard to define. But here are the main countries of Southwest Asia:
Afghanistan is sometimes included
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
The largest city in Central Asia is Almaty, located in Kazakhstan. It is the cultural and economic center of the country, with a population of around 2 million people.
The main transportation routes in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia include the Trans-Saharan Highway in North Africa, the Silk Road connecting East Asia and Europe through Central Asia, and the Persian Gulf to Europe route passing through Southwest Asia. These routes facilitate the movement of goods, people, and resources across these regions, connecting different countries and promoting trade and economic development.
Asia is the largest of the seven continents in the world, while Europe is next to the smallest continent. Russia is the largest country in the world, with part of their country in both Asia and Europe.
Is that what you call "South Asia" ? We wouldn't have thought so from looking at the map. But OK. You got it! That point is deep in the hearth of beautiful central Kazakhstan, about 100 miles southwest of Astana. Maybe when you're from central Kazakhstan, "50 degrees N" feels like a southern climate.
Armenia has the lowest GDP, a total of US$10,157,000,000 (or the 127th largest economy in the world). However, Yemeni citizens earn the least amount of money on average, a total of US$2,520 (or the 140th largest GDP per capita). Also, the UAE has the highest amount of external debt (or the 33rd largest debt in the world).
Kazakhstan is the largest country in central and southwest Asia.
Saudi Arabia.
The Tigris River is in Southwest Asia, but is not in Central Asia.
The Arabian Desert is the largest in Asia.
The largest ethic group in southwest Asia is the Arabs.
Uzbekistan has the largest population in Central Asia.
The largest landlocked country in the world is Kazakhstan. It is located in Central Asia and is the ninth largest country in the world by land area.
The Arabian Desert is the largest desert in southwest Asia.
Egypt. Egypt is the country which is the farthest east in North Africa.
There is an error in the supposition: that these two regions are the only or largest concentrations of Muslims. They are neither. The largest number of Muslims are in South Asia: Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. The country with the highest Muslim population count is Indonesia. However, between those two, the Middle East has a larger population of Muslims than Central Asia.
Mongolia is the largest nation in Central Asia.