a specialized excretory cell found in the simplest freshwater invertebrates
The flame-cell system in planarians consist of specialized cells called flame cells that are part of the excretory system. Flame cells have distinctive cilia that beat rapidly, creating a flickering appearance like a flame. These cells help regulate the osmotic balance and remove waste from the body by actively pumping fluids through the excretory system.
No, adult planarians are not able to form detailed images of objects in their environment with their eyespots. Eyespots are light-sensitive organs that can detect light and shadows, but they do not have the ability to create detailed images like a true visual system. Planarians rely more on their chemosensory capabilities for navigating their environment.
Planarians are carnivorous creatures that feed on small invertebrates like worms, snails, and insect larvae. They use their muscular pharynx to suck in their prey and digest it externally. Planarians are opportunistic feeders and will also scavenge on decaying organic matter.
Planarians are able to regenerate because they have a population of adult stem cells called neoblasts that can differentiate into any type of cell needed. These neoblasts are responsible for the continuous growth and renewal of tissues in planarians, allowing them to regenerate lost body parts.
Earthworms utilize their moist skin for gas exchange through diffusion, while planarians have a branching system of tubes called flame cells that help transport gases using cilia-driven fluid movements. This difference in internal transport of gases reflects the varying complexities in respiratory systems between the two organisms.
Planarians have bilateral symmetry.
Yes, planarians are non-parasitic flatworms
Planarians are neither parasitic or segmented. They are flatworms.
Yes, it lacks a circulatory system. It diffuses oxygen directly into its cells and diffuses carbon dioxide back out. That mechanism is why planarians need to keep their skin moist. On land, planarians secrete a thin layer of mucus to make diffusion easier.
Planarians are multicellular organisms with specialized cells and tissues. They have a defined body plan with distinct organs and structures. Planarians exhibit movement and respond to external stimuli. They consume food and have a digestive system. Planarians can reproduce sexually or asexually, exhibiting typical animal reproductive capabilities.
The structures that enable planarians to expel liquid waste are normally pores. The pores are found on the dorsal surface of the planarians.
Planarians move by expanding and contracting their bodies as they grip a surface.
Planarians belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes.
Yes, all organisms have scientific names. Thus planarians have scientific names too.
No, adult planarians are not able to form detailed images of objects in their environment with their eyespots. Eyespots are light-sensitive organs that can detect light and shadows, but they do not have the ability to create detailed images like a true visual system. Planarians rely more on their chemosensory capabilities for navigating their environment.