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The flagellar arrangement with flagella on all sides of the bacterial cell is called "peritrichous flagellation." In peritrichous flagellation, flagella are distributed all over the surface of the bacterial cell, allowing for movement in multiple directions.

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Q: What is the flagellar arrangement with flagella on all sides of the bacterial cell?
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What is the function of a centiole?

Centrioles are involved in cell division, specifically in organizing the microtubules of the spindle apparatus during mitosis and meiosis. They are also important in the formation of cilia and flagella in some cells.

Describe the following term in synthetic polymers syndiotactics?

In synthetic polymers, syndiotactic refers to a specific arrangement of monomer units in a polymer chain where the side groups alternate positions on opposite sides of the main chain. This arrangement can lead to unique material properties, such as increased stiffness and crystallinity, compared to atactic or isotactic polymers.

What is the cause of cis trans isomerism?

Cis-trans isomerism is caused by the different spatial arrangement of atoms or groups around a double bond in organic molecules. In cis isomers, similar groups are on the same side of the double bond, while in trans isomers, similar groups are on opposite sides. This difference in arrangement affects the physical and chemical properties of the molecules.

How are hydrogen atoms arranged in ethene?

In ethene, two hydrogen atoms are attached to each of the two carbon atoms. The carbon atoms are joined by a double bond. This results in a linear arrangement with the hydrogens positioned on opposite sides of the molecule.

What is the difference between isotactic polypropylene and syndiotactic polypropylene?

The difference between isotactic polypropylene and syndiotactic polypropylene lies in the arrangement of the propylene monomer units in the polymer chain. In isotactic polypropylene, all the methyl groups of the propylene units are on the same side of the polymer chain, while in syndiotactic polypropylene, the methyl groups alternate sides. This difference in arrangement affects the properties and crystallinity of the polymer.

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Explain how the ultrastructure of cilia and flagella relates to their functions?

The ultrastructure of cilia and flagella includes a 9+2 arrangement of microtubules which provides structural support and allows for movement. Dynein motor proteins help in the sliding movement of microtubules, enabling cilia to move in a coordinated manner for cell motility or fluid transport. Flagella are longer and provide propulsion for cell movement.

What is the three vectors arrangement if their resultant is zero?

A triangle of vectors, in which the sides are the three vectors arranged head-tail.

What shape has 2 short sides and 2 long sides?

Without knowing their arrangement or the angles involved, all you can say is that it is a quadrilateral (4 sides). If the long sides are opposite, parallel, and equal in length -- and if the short sides are opposite, parallel, and equal in length -- you have a parallelogram. If all of the angles of the parallelogram are right angles, you have a rectangle.

What has 4 sides 4 angles?

Various shapes do. The most obvious is a square, if you are looking for the 4 sides to be equal and the 4 angles to be equal. You can also have a rectangle or a parallelogram or a diamond shape and any arrangement of 4 sides for a shape.More generally ,it is known as a quadrilateral (a polygon with four sides and four angles).

What is bi-lateral?

Bi-lateral symmetry means that if you split 'said object' straight down the middle, both sides will be the same.

What does symmetry balance mean?

Symmetry balance occurs when both sides of a given arrangement are equal. The object is in balance and the same number of items are on each side.

What is a Round floral arrangement?

A round floral arrangement is an arrangement that is designed with flowers on all sides. Some arrangements are done "one-sided" which means that the back has no flowers, only greens to cover up the oasis. You find this in most funeral arrangements. More higher end shops arrange in whats called a low and lush style, very dense blooms with a rounded shape.

What is the arrangement of nucleotides?

Nucleotides are arranged in a specific sequence along a DNA or RNA molecule. The sequence of nucleotides determines the genetic information encoded in the molecule. Each nucleotide consists of a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base (adenine, thymine, cytosine, or guanine for DNA; adenine, uracil, cytosine, or guanine for RNA).

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Asymmetrically means lacking symmetry or not being identical or equal on both sides. It refers to a lack of balance or proportion in the spatial arrangement or structure of an object or design.

What is the function of a centiole?

Centrioles are involved in cell division, specifically in organizing the microtubules of the spindle apparatus during mitosis and meiosis. They are also important in the formation of cilia and flagella in some cells.

What is the net for a shape?

the net of a shape is how many sides of a shapeThe net of a solid shape is a flat arrangement of its faces faces which can be folded together to make the solid shape. See related links, below.