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This is an example of a paradoxical saying, where you give two things which are the opposite of each other.

Oddly enough, something that is very hot and something that is very cold with both burn your skin.

Its a paradox, but one based on illogic, false assumptions or point of view. A sophism that can lead to further faulty reasoning. Its true extremely hot and extremely cold do cause a burn, both physically and as a sensation. That I would call an "apparent" paradox because of lack of supporting knowledge or wrong assumptions. Then we have to ask, what is the nature of a physical burn. Is a burn really a reaction to extremes in temperature? if so, do we need an alternative name for the condition? Alternatively, the temperature of a hearth fire, is cold in comparison to the sun's temperature. Ice is hot compared to the depths of space or Liquid nitrogen.

Britney Spears used this paradox in her song "Cold as Fire". As to what she meant we can only speculate. Attractive women sometimes act cool, (or even cold as a reaction to unwanted male attention). Some men respond to this "coolness" with even more passion. But Coldness is likely to put certain fires out.

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9mo ago

"Cold as fire, hot as ice" is an oxymoron, a figure of speech where contradictory terms are combined. In this context, it expresses a feeling of confusion or contradiction, describing something that is difficult to understand or unpredictable in its behavior.

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