Euglena is a micro organism, so it economic importance is contradicting because it is sometimes heterotrophy (like animals) and autrotrophy (like plant). It contain chlorophyll for food production to plants in water and it has some carotenoid pigments thats produces sugers by photosynthesis and in turn produces oxygen
A Euglena is debated over whether it is a protozoa or an algae. It can go through the process of photosynthesis. It is a flagellate, meaning it moves with whip-like features of its body. They live in ponds or small bodies of water, and as far as I know, euglena don't really have a role in the ecosystem. I think it gets eaten by fish, just like krill and/or brine shrimp
euglena does indeed have chrlorplasts.
Euglena is an algae.Chloroplasts are present in them.
the euglena is a producer mostly because its green.
There are two main types of Euglena: autotrophic Euglena that can photosynthesize and heterotrophic Euglena that must ingest food particles to survive. Autotrophic Euglena have chloroplasts and can produce their own food through photosynthesis, while heterotrophic Euglena do not have chloroplasts and rely on absorbing nutrients from their environment.
Euglena is a single-celled protist. It is a genus of unicellular flagellate algae that is commonly found in freshwater environments.
let me get back to you
Economic importance of bacteria
Economic importance of cotton stainer
economic importance of phylum chordata
The economic importance of mollusc is that there are a staple food in many countries.
The economic importance of earthworms is highly under-rated.
what are the economic importance of mosquitoes
The scientific name for euglena is Euglena.
they reduce market value of cotton crops
it importance to sustain a progress life