The prevailing winds in Nova Scotia generally come from the southwest to west direction, bringing maritime air from the Atlantic Ocean. These winds can be influenced by seasonal variations and weather patterns.
At 0700 EDT, the time in Nova Scotia is 0600 ADT.
Netherland and Nova Scotia in Canada have a time difference of 5 hours, netherland is ahead of 5 hours than nova scotia . for example if time in novascotia is 8 pm than in netherland it will be 1 am
Nova Scotia is approximately 21,345 square miles in size.
Nova Scotia, along with pretty much all of North America and Greenland, is on the North American plate.
Nova Scotia has approximately 7,400 kilometers (4,600 miles) of coastline, making it one of the Canadian provinces with the longest coastlines.
ROUGHLY: North East
No , Nova Scotia is not a country, Nova Scotia is a Province of Canada.
Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia.
west is the direction i think... check the map on this site if it does not work go to this site, if that does not work go to google for a map search up what direction would i go to get from Cancun-Mexico-Ameria to Nova Scotia Canada.
Nova Scotia is located on the eastern part of Canada. The capital of Nova Scotia is Halifax.Halifax is the biggest city in Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia is a colder area because it IS up North also, at least 2 of its sides are surrounded by the Atlantic ocean.
There is 873,199 people in Nova Scotia
nova scotia kind of food
No Nova Scotia is not in the United States.
The people of Nova Scotia are called Nova Scotians. =D
North Sydney Nova Scotia is 14.5 miles from Sydney, NS.
Nova Scotia did not 'join' Canada. Nova Scotia was one of the original four provinces of Confederation.