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time period. in scm we use fundamental time period....where as for rsm we use natural time period.

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In seismic coefficient method, seismic forces are calculated using a single coefficient that is applied uniformly to the structure based on its weight. In contrast, response spectrum method considers the dynamic response of the structure by using a spectrum that represents the maximum response of a range of single-degree-of-freedom systems to the ground motion. Response spectrum method provides a more detailed and accurate analysis of the structure's response to earthquakes compared to the simplified seismic coefficient method.

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Was response to the Haiti earthquake successful?

The response to the Haiti earthquake in 2010 faced challenges but made progress in delivering humanitarian aid and support. However, issues such as coordination, distribution of resources, and long-term recovery efforts highlighted the need for improved disaster response strategies and resilience building in the region.

Why was the response to the Haiti earthquake so bad?

The response to the Haiti earthquake was impacted by a lack of infrastructure, coordination issues among aid organizations, and the scale of the disaster overwhelming local resources. Additionally, political instability and corruption in Haiti hindered the distribution of aid effectively.

What is dichotomous response?

A dichotomous response is a categorical variable that has only two possible outcomes, typically represented as "yes" or "no", "true" or "false", or "success" or "failure". This type of response simplifies data analysis by providing clear and distinct categories for analysis or categorization.

There is a high rate of earthquake activity in?

It is best to complete the sentence to provide a more accurate and helpful response.

Why is it important to have three seismographs when an earthquake occurs?

Having three seismographs allows scientists to triangulate the epicenter of an earthquake more accurately by measuring the time difference in the arrival of seismic waves at each station. This helps determine the location and magnitude of the earthquake more precisely for effective response and mitigation efforts. Additionally, having multiple seismographs provides redundancy in data collection in case one station fails or malfunctions.

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answers are fuuckin greasy shannon

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Response of haiti earthquake?

Families gather old possessions to build new homes.

Was response to the Haiti earthquake successful?

The response to the Haiti earthquake in 2010 faced challenges but made progress in delivering humanitarian aid and support. However, issues such as coordination, distribution of resources, and long-term recovery efforts highlighted the need for improved disaster response strategies and resilience building in the region.