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the transmission of radiation/energy refers to the fraction of incident radiation that is absorbed by and passes through a substance or body +++ whereas emission refers to the amount of thermal radiation released or given off by a substance. for a substance to emit energy it does not necessarily need to have absorbed from another source, it may as well be its own internal energy.for instance i myself emit energy to the surroundings all the time, thus im able to set off the PIR detectors inside the special light bulbs my mum installed outside the house. however, a body or substance can only be said to transmit energy if the energy has come from another source, been absorbed by the substance and allowed to pass through it. so its basically the fraction of the absobed energy that leaves the body without being captured.

hope this helps

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4mo ago

Transmission tomography involves measuring attenuation of x-rays passing through the body to create an image, while emission tomography detects the distribution of a radioactive tracer within the body to create an image. Transmission tomography provides structural information, while emission tomography provides functional information by highlighting metabolic activity or blood flow.

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What is the difference between absorption and emission spectrum?

Emission spectrum: lines emitted from an atom.Absorption spectrum: absorbed wavelengths of a molecule.

What is the Difference between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission any 5points?

Spontaneous emission occurs randomly and naturally when an excited atom transitions to a lower energy state, releasing a photon in the process. Stimulated emission, on the other hand, is induced by the presence of external photons that cause an already excited atom to release a second identical photon. In spontaneous emission, the emitted photon may have any frequency within the spectral line width of the transition. In stimulated emission, the emitted photon has the same frequency, phase, direction, and polarization as the stimulating photon. Spontaneous emission is non-coherent and occurs independently of external radiation. In contrast, stimulated emission is a coherent process that contributes to the amplification of light in lasers. The rate of spontaneous emission is independent of the intensity of external radiation, while the rate of stimulated emission is directly proportional to the intensity of the stimulating radiation. Spontaneous emission plays a role in processes like fluorescence and phosphorescence, whereas stimulated emission is the principle behind the operation of lasers.

What is the process in which an electron returns to a lower energy level and emits a photon?

This process is called "emission." When an electron transitions from a higher to a lower energy level within an atom, it releases a photon of light corresponding to the energy difference between the two levels. This emitted photon carries away the energy that the electron lost during the transition.

What is the difference between ICP-AES and ICP-OES analysis?

ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) measures the intensity of emitted light from excited atoms to determine elemental composition, while ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy) measures the intensity of emitted light and analyses the wavelengths to determine elemental composition. ICP-OES typically provides higher sensitivity and lower detection limits compared to ICP-AES.

What is band edge emission?

Band edge emission refers to the light emitted by a material when electrons recombine at the edge of the energy band gap between the valence and conduction bands. This emission typically occurs at specific wavelengths and is used in applications such as light-emitting diodes and lasers.

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In spontaneous emission, photons are emitted randomly and independently of other photons. In stimulated emission, photons are emitted in response to an incoming photon, which triggers the emission of additional photons that have the same frequency, phase, and direction. Stimulated emission is the process that underlies the operation of lasers.

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The difference is in the type of radiation used to form the image. A Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scan can use any type of radiation to create the image, the specific type is not specified in the name, but most often uses X-rays; but a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan specifically uses positrons as the radiation form. A third type, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses the miniscule magnetic fields of naturally occurring compounds within the human body to create its images.

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stimulated emission causes due to the energy difference between the higher and lower energy level state, but it doesn't depends in the case of spontaneous emission . spontaneous emission causes without any stimulation .In stimulated emission energy transfer is twice the energy transfer of spontaneous emission.

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