Primary characteristics involve the organs for reproduction. Males have testicles, females uterus. Secondary characteristics involve traits characterized by hormonal changes such as the differences due to puberty. Examples include breasts, facial hair, the growth of pubic hair and underarm hair.
Primary sex characteristics refer to the physical traits directly related to reproduction, such as genitalia and internal reproductive organs. In contrast, secondary sex characteristics are features that develop during puberty but are not directly involved in reproduction, such as breast development in females and facial hair growth in males.
As the distance traveled by the primary and secondary waves increases, the time difference between them also increases. This is because primary waves travel faster through the Earth than secondary waves, resulting in a greater time gap between their arrivals at a given location.
Maintaining a phase displacement between the primary and secondary windings of a transformer allows for the effective transfer of power from the primary to the secondary circuit. This phase difference ensures that the magnetic flux induced in the primary winding can generate a voltage in the secondary winding, enabling power to be transmitted efficiently and accurately between the two circuits.
Primary lysosomes are newly formed vesicles containing digestive enzymes, while secondary lysosomes are formed when primary lysosomes fuse with endocytic vesicles containing material to be digested. Essentially, primary lysosomes are the initial structures while secondary lysosomes are the active, digestive forms.
The time difference between primary (P) and secondary (S) waves becomes larger as the distance traveled by the waves increases. This is because P-waves travel faster than S-waves, so the time delay between their arrivals at a seismometer station increases with distance.
Testosterone is responsible for producing and maintaining primary sex characteristics in males such as the development of the testes and production of sperm. It also influences the development of secondary sex characteristics like facial and body hair, deepening of the voice, and muscle mass.
Identify the difference between primary sector and secondary sector
what are the diffrence between primary reserve and secondary reserve?
Primary can't be recharged, secondary can be recharged.
what is the difference between primary and seconday vitamin deficiency
secondary is cooler
The difference between primary data and secondary data is that primary data is the information from the original research.
The major difference is that the Primary Account holder is responsible for all the amounts due on both the Primary Card and the Secondary Card.
Sorry, I want to know the difference between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary structure of aircraft
the difference is that primary markets are really fat. the secondary market is a skinny kid that doesnt eat candy
Secondary DNS gets its records from the Primary DNS Server. The secondary DNS is essentially there in case the primary DNS doesn't respond.
difference between primary and secondary market
Primary source information is original material,Secondary sources analyze and interpret primary sources