A flood is an event where water moves onto an area of land where there isn't normally water. Erosion is the process by which rock fragments are carried away to other locations. Floods can causes erosion, but they don't always, nor are the necessary.
Flood refers to the overflowing of water onto land that is usually dry, causing inundation. Erosion, on the other hand, involves the wearing away of the land surface by processes such as water flow, wind, or glaciers. Flooding can contribute to erosion by increasing the flow of water that can carry away soil and sediments.
Oh, dude, it's like this - floods happen when a bunch of water shows up uninvited and decides to crash at your place, causing a big wet mess. Erosion, on the other hand, is like when the ground gets a little too cozy with wind or water and starts disappearing slowly but surely. So, one's a surprise pool party, and the other's more of a disappearing act for dirt.
Flood refers to the overflow of water onto land that is usually dry, often due to heavy rainfall or the melting of snow. Erosion, on the other hand, is the process by which soil and rock are removed from the Earth's surface by natural forces such as water, wind, or ice. While floods can contribute to erosion by carrying away sediment, erosion can occur even in the absence of flooding through processes like wind abrasion or riverbank collapse.
Well, hello there, friend! Flood happens when water overflows onto land, usually due to heavy rain or melting snow. Erosion, on the other hand, is the process of soil or rocks being worn away by elements like water, wind, or ice over time. Both are natural processes that shape our beautiful world!
An earthquake is the shaking of the earth caused by the shifting of techtonic plates. A flood is caused by an abundance of water, or the failure of control systems to contain that abundance of water (e.g., NOLA during Hurricane Katrina).
Deposition is when particals are dropped of and left. Erosion is where particales are carried away
a break in a sedimentary sequence that does not involves a difference of inclination between the strata on each side of the break
A cyclone is a large-scale weather syetm in which air circulates around a center of low pressure. Cyclones often bring stormy weather. A flood is any event in which significant amounts of water are present on land where it would not normally be.
A typhoon - is a rotating storm similar to a hurricane. A flood - us simply excess water that cannot be carried away by a river system - and can be caused by various events.
#Flood tide is an incoming tide. It is incomiong between low and high tides. It is called a 'Flood tide' , because it floods over the tidal range.
the difference between weathering & erosion is quite simple weathering breaks down and erosion carries it away like a blow dryer
what is the difference between gravitational erosion and wind erotion? what are the similarities betwen the two? give examples of what happens during these occurrences
what is the difference between flood & inundation
erosion reqiures movement and weathering doesnt
A Tornado is swirly fast wind, a flood is rising water levels...
Flash flood comes and goes really quick. A flood takes longer and takes longer to go away.
A "spot" is more narrow than a "narrow flood".
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Erosion increases when there is a flood and when land is plowed and there is no cover crop that would prevent wind erosion.
difference between actual cost and potential price
a difference in degree is when it is the same structure but different, a difference in kind is when it doesnt even relate, whole new topic. ex: raindrop and flood, a flood is just many raindrops therefore a difference in degree.