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Fermentation is the process of making alcohol (ethanol) by mixing sugar and yeast in a barell:

sugar + yeast ----> ethanol + carbon dioxide

Hydration is another process of making alcohol (ethanol) by heating water and ethene at a temperature of around 300 degrees celcius under high pressure:

ethene + steam -----> ethanol

One big difference between fermentation and hydration is that fermentation pproduces the bi-product cabon dioxide whereas hydration doesn't. Another difference coulkd be that the reaction of hydration happens a lot faster than that of fermentation.

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How are lactic acid fermentation and alchoholic fermentation similar?

Alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation are similar because glucose is oxidized to two molecules of pyruvic acid. The difference between them is that alcohol fermentation yield two molecules of ATP also.

What is one true distinction between fermentation and cellular respiration?

One distinction is that fermentation does not require oxygen, while cellular respiration does. Fermentation produces a smaller amount of ATP compared to cellular respiration.

What is different between the two types of fermentation?

The main difference between alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation is the end product produced. Alcoholic fermentation produces ethanol and carbon dioxide, while lactic acid fermentation produces lactic acid. Additionally, the microorganisms responsible for each type of fermentation differ, with yeast typically carrying out alcoholic fermentation and bacteria carrying out lactic acid fermentation.

What is the main difference between respiration and fermentation?

The main difference is that respiration involves the breakdown of glucose with the presence of oxygen to produce energy, carbon dioxide, and water, while fermentation is an anaerobic process that breaks down glucose into energy and other byproducts like lactic acid or ethanol without the use of oxygen.

What is the difference between ethanol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation?

lactic acid fermentation, is an enzyme converts pyruvic acid made during glycolysis into another three-carbon compound. Alcoholic fermentation, is to convert pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol.

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How is ethanol manufactured?

Hydration of ethene or fermentation.

Is it true that the main difference between respiration and fermentation is that fermentation does not use water?


What is the difference between respiration to fermentation?

Respiration is the process where cells break down glucose in the presence of oxygen to produce energy, while fermentation is the process where cells break down glucose in the absence of oxygen to produce energy. Respiration produces more energy (ATP) compared to fermentation and is more efficient. Fermentation produces byproducts such as lactic acid or ethanol, while respiration produces carbon dioxide and water.

What is the difference between Lactic acid fermentation and Aerobic equation?

Lactic acid fermentation is an anaerobic process that occurs in the absence of oxygen, where glucose is converted into lactic acid to generate energy. Aerobic respiration, on the other hand, is an oxygen-requiring process that involves the breakdown of glucose into carbon dioxide and water to produce energy in the form of ATP. Aerobic respiration is more efficient in yielding energy compared to lactic acid fermentation.

What is the difference between fermented and brewed or can they be synonyms?

Brewing is a kind of fermentation.

What is the difference between fermentation and assimilation?

Fermentation is the process through which microorganisms convert sugars into acids, gases, or alcohol, often in the absence of oxygen. Assimilation, on the other hand, is the process by which organisms absorb nutrients into their cells and use them for growth and development. Fermentation is a metabolic process, while assimilation is a biological process related to obtaining and utilizing nutrients.

What is the difference between solid state and submerged fermentation?

Solid-state fermentation involves the growth of microorganisms on solid substrates (e.g., agricultural residues), usually in the absence of free-flowing water. In contrast, submerged fermentation occurs in liquid media where the microorganisms are submerged and suspended in the aqueous environment. Solid-state fermentation is typically used for the production of enzymes and organic acids, while submerged fermentation is common for the production of antibiotics and biofuels.

How are lactic acid fermentation and alchoholic fermentation similar?

Alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation are similar because glucose is oxidized to two molecules of pyruvic acid. The difference between them is that alcohol fermentation yield two molecules of ATP also.

What is difference between glycolysis and fermentation?

Fermentation is anaerobic respiration. Glycolysis is part of aerobic respiration. The pathways for both processes, however, are almost identical to each other.

What is the role of water in fermentation?

Water is essential in fermentation as it provides a medium for the microorganisms to carry out their metabolic processes. It also helps to dissolve nutrients and facilitate the movement of molecules in and out of cells. Additionally, water is necessary for the hydration and activation of enzymes involved in fermentation reactions.

What is the difference between fermentation and chemical reaction?

Fermentation is a metabolic process where microorganisms convert organic compounds into simpler substances to generate energy, often producing byproducts like alcohol or lactic acid. On the other hand, a chemical reaction involves the breaking and forming of chemical bonds between atoms to create new substances. Fermentation is a specific type of biochemical reaction that occurs in living organisms, while chemical reactions can take place in various settings.

Difference between solid state fermentation and submerged fermentation?

Submerged fermentation:" The organism which can grow under the beneath the surface of the medium is called " Ex.. liquid medium (Nutrient broth) solid state-fermentation : "Organisms which can grow on the surface of the medium is called solid state fermentation" Ex.. solid medium (Nutrient agar)