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the difference between discovery science and experimental science is. when we say "discovery science" is comes from the word itself "discovered" it is first discovered by a certain person. when we say "experimental" it comes from the word it self "experiment", people tried to make things that are new . :)

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9mo ago

Discovery science aims to observe and describe natural phenomena without a specific hypothesis, while hypothesis-based science starts with a specific question or hypothesis to test through experiments. Discovery science often leads to the generation of new hypotheses, whereas hypothesis-based science aims to confirm or reject a specific hypothesis.

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15y ago

Discovery science is extensive observation through discoveries, analyze data and guess what's gonna happen.

Hypothesis-based science is educated guess. It's involved with writing hypothesis and drawing conclusion.

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Q: What is the difference between discovery science and hypothesis based science?
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A Discovery Investigation is exploratory in nature, seeking to uncover new information or phenomena without preconceived hypotheses. In contrast, an investigation utilizing Hypothesis Science and the Scientific Method developed by Socrates involves formulating hypotheses based on existing knowledge, testing these hypotheses through experimentation, and drawing conclusions based on empirical evidence. The latter approach is more structured and systematic in its methodology.

A hypothesis that has been tested and proven false?

That is a failed hypothesis. Although this sounds like a bad thing, in science it is actually an example of good science. The philosopher Karl Popper declared that real science was defined by hypothesis that could be tested and proven false or true. For example you can make a hypothesis that the falling speed of a body is proportional to its mass. The hypothesis can be put to test and shown false. This was the difference in World view between Aristoteles and Gallilei: Aristoteles put forward the hypothesis and Galilei tested it. Pseudo-science like astrology, religion, philosophy, politics and so on does not put forward testable hypothesis. No pseudo-science dare to put forward a testable hypothesis.

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There is no difference.

What are difference between a hypothesis and hypothesis statement?

The term hypothesis is used in science and statistics. I have included two links related to the these terms.In statistics, the null and alternative hypothesis are mathematical statements used in statistical decision making. An example of a null hypothesis is the mean of the population from which a sample was obtained is equal to 10. The mean of the data is sufficiently different from 10 can be used to reject the null hypothesis.As used in science, hypothesis is the initial idea suggested by observation or preliminary experimentation. See related links.

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Why is hypothesis in science?

The hypothesis drives the investigation.

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There are allot of difference but the main difference is the science is discovered while the literature is invented

In what cases one can state the null hypotheses true?

The null hypothesis is typically assumed to be true in statistical hypothesis testing. It represents the scenario where there is no significant difference or effect observed between groups or conditions being compared. Researchers seek evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis that suggests a real difference or effect exists.

What does the process of science start with?

Observation. Then comes Hypothesis. After that the hypothesis is Tested. In the end you make a Conclusion. The Hypothesis is either confirmed or debunked. 'OHTC' is a good way to remember the four stages.

Is an hypothesis an answer to a science qusetion?

no a hypothesis is an educated guess