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Color is the observable color of a mineral specimen in natural light. Streak is the color of a mineral when powdered. The color of a specific mineral specimen may be different than its streak color. Because many impurities can alter the color of a mineral, but not the streak, streak is a more accurate predictor in mineral identification.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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Nelson Daniel

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βˆ™ 3y ago

Color is the observable color of a mineral specimen in natural light. Streak is the color of a mineral when powdered. The color of a specific mineral specimen may be different than its streak color. Because many impurities can alter the color of a mineral, but not the streak, streak is a more accurate predictor in mineral identification.

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Nelson Daniel

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βˆ™ 3y ago

Color is the observable color of a mineral specimen in natural light. Streak is the color of a mineral when powdered. The color of a specific mineral specimen may be different than its streak color. Because many impurities can alter the color of a mineral, but not the streak, streak is a more accurate predictor in mineral identification.

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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Color refers to the external appearance of a mineral when viewed with the naked eye, while streak refers to the color of the powdered form of the mineral when it is scratched against a harder surface. Color can vary due to impurities, while streak is usually consistent and can help identify a mineral even when its external color is not distinctive.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The streak color is not an indicator of metallic vs. nonmetallic minerals. Both could have the same color streak.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

because the exterior color can be changed by anything but the streak is the powder of the mineral

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Q: What is the difference between color and streak in minerals?
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What is the difference between a minerals color and streak?

Color is what you observe when you look at a mineral. Streak is the color of the mineral when in a fine powder form. This can be observed by drawing a sample of the mineral over an unglazed porcelain tile and noting the color of the line left on the tile.

What is the difference between a minerals hardness and streak?

Mineral hardness measures a mineral's resistance to scratching, while streak is the color of the powdered form of a mineral. Hardness is determined by the Mohs scale, while streak is identified by rubbing the mineral across a porcelain plate to see the color left behind.

What color line when a mineral is rubbed on a surface?

The color of the line left when a mineral is rubbed on a surface is called the streak color. This color may be different from the color of the mineral itself due to factors such as impurities or the mineral's composition. Streak testing is useful in identifying minerals as it can help distinguish between similar-looking minerals based on their streak colors.

Which property describes the color of powdered minerals?

its called streak

Why isn't streak used to identify every mineral?

Streak is not used to identify every mineral because some minerals have the same color streak, making it unreliable for differentiation. Additionally, some minerals are too hard to leave a streak, while others may create a variable streak due to impurities. As a result, streak is just one of several properties used to identify minerals.

Related questions

What is the difference between a minerals color and streak?

Color is what you observe when you look at a mineral. Streak is the color of the mineral when in a fine powder form. This can be observed by drawing a sample of the mineral over an unglazed porcelain tile and noting the color of the line left on the tile.

What is difference between hardness and streak?

Hardness is a mineral's resistance to being scratched, while streak is the color of the powder a mineral leaves behind when scratched on a porcelain streak plate. Hardness is measured on the Mohs scale from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest), while streak is a diagnostic property used to identify minerals.

Which is the color of powered minerals?

Powdered minerals can come in a variety of colors depending on the specific mineral. Common colors include white, gray, brown, pink, blue, green, and black.

Why is streak an important physical property of minerals?

A streak test is used to determine a minerals streak color. This can help in the identification of minerals.

What test is used to identify a minerals color?

A streak test is used to determine a minerals streak color. This can help in with the identification of minerals. A streak test is performed by rubbing the mineral on an unglazed ceraminc tile, then observing the color of the streak which is left behind. All minerals do not leave streaks. Harder minerals will not streak, but this can also be used as a tool for identifying the mineral, if you are familiar with the hardness scale.

What isn't a streak test used to help identify every mineral?

A streak test is not used to identify minerals with a hardness greater than 7 on the Mohs scale, as these minerals can scratch the streak plate. Additionally, streak tests may not be effective for identifying minerals that have a streak color similar to the streak plate itself.

Is streak the color of powder?

No, streak refers to the color of a mineral when it is crushed and powdered. It helps in identifying minerals as the streak color can be different from the color of the mineral.

Does a minerals streak color always match its color?

It often does not match the observable color of the specimen. Differences between streak and observable color can be due to inclusions, staining, refraction, impurities, or exposure to heat and radiation.

What test is best used to distinguish a nonmetallic mineral from a metallic mineral?

One common test to distinguish between nonmetallic and metallic minerals is the streak test. Nonmetallic minerals will typically leave a powder streak of color when rubbed against a white ceramic plate, while metallic minerals will leave a metallic streak.

What is the difference between luster and streak?

Luster refers to the way light interacts with the surface of a mineral, giving it a specific sheen or shine. Streak, on the other hand, refers to the color of the powdered form of a mineral when it's rubbed against a rough white ceramic plate. Luster helps in identifying minerals based on their appearance, while streak helps distinguish minerals by their color.

Color of powered mineral?

It's referred to as the streak, the color of which is used as an identifying characteristic of minerals.

How do you identify minerals according to streak?

Minerals can be identified by their streak, which is the color of the mineral when it is broken down into a powder. To test a mineral's streak, a streak plate (usually made of unglazed porcelain) is used. The streak is usually compared to a streak color chart, which contains the colors of a variety of minerals. To test a mineral for its streak, take a small piece of the mineral and rub it on the streak plate. The resulting powder is then compared to the streak chart to identify the mineral. Streak is an important property of minerals because it is more reliable than the external color of the mineral. External color can be altered by impurities and oxidation, but the streak of a mineral does not change. Therefore, testing a mineral's streak is an effective way of identifying it.When identifying minerals according to streak, it is important to consider the following properties: Color - the color of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate. Luster - the shine of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate. Texture - the feel of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate. Opacity - the transparency of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate.By considering these properties when testing a mineral's streak, it is possible to identify the mineral accurately and quickly.