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  • Alpha - these are fast moving helium atoms. They have high energy, typically in the MeV range, but due to their large mass, they are stopped by just a few inches of air, or a piece of paper.
  • Beta - these are fast moving electrons. They typically have energies in the range of a few hundred keV to several MeV. Since electrons are might lighter than helium atoms, they are able to penetrate further, through several feet of air, or several millimeters of plastic or less of very light metals.
  • Gamma - these are photons, just like light, except of much higher energy, typically from several keV to several MeV. X-Rays and gamma rays are really the same thing, the difference is how they were produced. Depending on their energy, they can be stopped by a thin piece of aluminum foil, or they can penetrate several inches of lead.
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4mo ago

Alpha, beta, and gamma are types of radiation emitted during radioactive decay. Alpha particles are positively charged, heavy, and have low penetration power, stopped by skin or paper. Beta particles are fast-moving electrons or positrons with higher penetration power, stopped by aluminum or plastic. Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves with the highest penetration power, requiring thick lead or concrete to shield.

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11y ago
  • Beta radiation is particles of either electrons or positrons
  • gamma radiation is electromagnetic radiation
  • Alpha radiation is particles where each particle is composed of two protons and two neutrons (helium nucleus)
In addition, gamma has the strongest penetration followed by beta, and followed by alpha radiation
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When was Alpha Beta Gamma created?

Alpha Beta Gamma was created in 1970.

Is there a connection between the speed of alpha beta and gamma radiation which?

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How would you list alpha particles beta particles and gamma rays in order of increasing energy?

Alpha, beta, gamma.

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The correct order is c) Alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray. Alpha particles have the greatest mass, followed by beta particles, and then gamma rays which have no mass.

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Lda beta mul gamma sta alpha : alpha resw 1 beta resw 1 gamma resw 1

Three froms of radioactivity are?

Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Alpha and beta are both particles, but gamma is in the form of a wave. Gamma can travel the fathest but Alpha is the most dangerous when in contact with your skin

What are the particles called from a nuclear decay?

These are known as alpha, beta, and gamma rays. Alpha rays are helium-4 nuclei, beta rays can be electrons or positrons, gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves.These are known as alpha, beta, and gamma rays. Alpha rays are helium-4 nuclei, beta rays can be electrons or positrons, gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves.These are known as alpha, beta, and gamma rays. Alpha rays are helium-4 nuclei, beta rays can be electrons or positrons, gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves.These are known as alpha, beta, and gamma rays. Alpha rays are helium-4 nuclei, beta rays can be electrons or positrons, gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves.

What are the relative velocity of alpha beta gamma?

The relative velocity of alpha with respect to beta is the velocity of alpha minus the velocity of beta. The relative velocity of beta with respect to gamma is the velocity of beta minus the velocity of gamma. The relative velocity of alpha with respect to gamma is the velocity of alpha minus the velocity of gamma.

Is alpha and beta decay are almost always accompanied by what?

Alpha and beta decay are often accompanied by the emission of gamma radiation. Gamma radiation is a high-energy form of electromagnetic radiation that helps to stabilize the nucleus after alpha or beta decay.

Why is gamma radiation different from alpha and beta radiation?

Gamma radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation, whereas alpha and beta radiation are composed of particles. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and highest energy, whereas alpha and beta particles are larger and less penetrating. Gamma radiation does not carry an electric charge, while alpha and beta particles do.