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Real culture is defined as what people actually do, whereas ideal culture is what people say they do. For example, tribal hunters may say that they are going to bring back monkey meat for the evening meal, but they may not succeed. Americans may tell others that they stop at eight sided traffic signs, but how often do they actually do it?

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Real values refer to actual, measurable data or results obtained in practice, while ideal values represent theoretical or optimal expectations or standards that may not always be achievable in reality. Real values can be influenced by various factors such as limitations, errors, or external conditions that may deviate from the ideal values.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the ideal opamp has infinite input impedance zero ,output impedance,infinite CMRR but practically there is some finite value for the mentioned parameter.

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Q: What is the difference between Real and Ideal values?
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Which of the following properties minimizes the differences between an ideal gas and a real gas?

High temperature and low pressure minimize the differences between an ideal gas and a real gas, because at these conditions the behavior of a real gas approaches that of an ideal gas.

What is the difference between Real and Ideal solution?

there is no interaction between the components in ideal solution whereas in non-ideal solution there is interactions between components. ideal solution obeys Raoult`s law whereas non-ideal solution do not obeys it. no volume change occurs on mixing due to no interaction in ideal solution whereas in non-ideal solution volume change occurs.

What is the difference between the Ideal Gas Law and Kinetic Molecular Theory?

The Ideal Gas Law describes the behavior of ideal gases in terms of pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of gas particles. Kinetic Molecular Theory explains the behavior of gases in terms of the motion of gas particles and the interactions between them, helping to understand concepts such as temperature and pressure in relation to gas behavior.

How does an ideal gas diff from a real gas?

An ideal gas follows the ideal gas law exactly, while a real gas may deviate from the ideal gas law at high pressures and low temperatures due to intermolecular forces and molecular volume. Real gases have non-zero molecular volume and experience intermolecular interactions, while ideal gases are assumed to have no volume and no intermolecular forces.

What are real and ideal gases and are all real gases ideal?

Real gases are gases that do not perfectly follow the ideal gas law due to intermolecular interactions, volume occupied by gas molecules, and pressure. Ideal gases are imaginary gases that perfectly follow the ideal gas law at all conditions. Not all real gases are ideal; ideal gases are a theoretical concept that simplifies the behavior of gases under certain conditions.

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What is the difference between real and ideal culture?

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The Confucian ideal of society is depend on agriculture, not commerce and the real society of Japan is very structure.

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What was the difference between the confucian ideal of society and the real society of japan?

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In ideal machine input is equal to output . The efficiency of ideal machine is 100% . In real machine input is not equal to output .The efficiency of ideal machine in not 100% . In ideal machine there is no lose of energy . In real machine there is lose of energy . In real machine there is no friction . While in real machine there is friction .

Which of the following properties minimize the difference between an ideal gas and real gas?

low temperature, Strong intermolecular forces

Differences between real and ideal culture?

Ideal culture is how people wish society would be, versus real culture, which is the reality of what culture actually is. An example of this would be the cultural ideal of magazines and society uplifting women and explaining that all body types are normal and beautiful. This can be contrasted with the real culture of body shaming and lifting very thin bodies up as the ideal beauty, to the exclusion of all other body types.

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