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Experimental Research:

Experimental research is guided by educated guesses that guess the result of the experiment. An experiment is conducted to give evidence to this experimental hypothesis. Experimental research, although very demanding of time and resources, often produces the soundest evidence concerning hypothesized cause-effect relationships.

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1mo ago

Experimental research is a method of scientific investigation that involves manipulating variables to study cause-and-effect relationships. It typically involves establishing control over variables, random assignment of participants, and the use of an experimental design to test hypotheses. The goal is to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable while minimizing the influence of extraneous factors.

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9y ago

The definition of exploratory research is research that is conducted in an investigative manner as an exploration. This is used in cases where there is a problem which is not clearly established.

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15y ago

Science that uses what is known to try and prove ideas and concepts that are as yet untested.

Madame Currie the Doctor Who discovered radiation, or Jonas Salk's bread mold that became penicillin are good examples of experimental science.

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11y ago

An experiemental design is simply the design in which partipants are allocated to conditions e.g. whether they will take paty in both conditions (repeated measures design) or seperate partipants for each condition (independent measures design).This applies to all types of experiements in which the manipulation of an independent variable (IV) occurs to see the effects on the dependent variable (DV). A correlation design differrs cause there are no IV or DV, but just two or more variables, which are measured to see if as one variable increases, what happens to the other variable for example height and weight. i.e. looks for an association between two or more things.

p.s. sorry for the long winded answer I wanted to be quite thorough :)

source: undergrad psych student

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10y ago

All science is experimental science. Otherwise it's philosophy or guesswork.
True and like all other experiments they are based upon observation and recording. Recording is the origin of Data.

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10y ago

Experimental research is often defined as an experiment in which there is one manipulated variable and the rest of the variables are random or control. It is part of the scientific method.

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10y ago

Quantiative observations or measurements made during expt. are called experimental observations .

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What research designs collect data?

Experimental, correlational, observational, and qualitative research designs are common approaches that collect data. Each design has its own methodology and purpose for collecting data to address specific research questions or hypotheses.

What is the definition of Experimental value?

Experimental value refers to a measured quantity obtained through experimentation or observation. It represents the actual result obtained from carrying out a scientific investigation or test.

Identify the research method that is the accepted standard?

The accepted standard research method varies by discipline and research question. Common research methods include experimental studies, surveys, case studies, and observational studies. It is essential to select a research method that aligns with the research objectives and provides valid and reliable results.

What is the variable setup in an experiment called?

The variable setup in an experiment is called the experimental design. This design includes all the factors and conditions that are manipulated or controlled in the experiment to test the research hypothesis.

What type of observation involves collecting research data under controlled conditions?

Experimental observation involves collecting research data under controlled conditions. This allows researchers to manipulate variables and establish cause-and-effect relationships between them. By controlling for external factors, experimental observations aim to provide more valid and reliable results.

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Manipulation is always a part of research?

Experimental research