Assuming the average radius of the Earth to be about 6,371 kilometers and taking the cos of 30 degrees times that = 5,517 km which is the radius about the axis at that latitude. Take that times 2PI = 34,664 km or c. 21,539 miles
At 30 degrees latitude, the circumference of the Earth can be calculated using the formula for the circumference of a circle: C = 2πr * cos(latitude), where r is the radius of the Earth. Taking the average radius of the Earth to be about 6,371 kilometers, the circumference at 30 degrees latitude would be approximately 29,792 kilometers.
It's the description of the location of a point on the Earth's surface. That particular point is in south-central Egypt, about 358 miles south-southwest of the center of Cairo.
The location 30 degrees south and 90 degrees east corresponds to a point in the Indian Ocean. The latitude is 30 degrees south, and the longitude is 90 degrees east.
At 30 degrees N latitude, you are 30 degrees north of the equator. Each degree of latitude is equivalent to about 69 miles, so at 30 degrees N latitude, you would be approximately 2,070 miles north of the equator.
Latitude 30°N is located 30 degrees north of the equator, while latitude 0°S is located on the equator. This means that latitude 30°N is further north and experiences different seasons and daylight hours compared to latitude 0°S, which is always near the equator and experiences relatively consistent temperatures and day lengths throughout the year.
Yes. The equator is located at 0 degrees latitude. The 'low' in 'low latitudes' refers to low numbers; for example, latitudes in the 0 to 30 degree range are generally considered to be 'low,' 30-60 degrees considered 'mid-latitudes,' and 60-90 degrees considered 'high-latitudes.' Latitudes range from 0 to 90 degrees in both directions (N and S) starting from the equator.
type it in on google earth it should help
Their difference is 30 degrees of latitude.
It's the description of the location of a point on the Earth's surface. That particular point is in south-central Egypt, about 358 miles south-southwest of the center of Cairo.
The constellation Cygnus is located at approximately 50 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees east longitude in the celestial sphere. However, as constellations are regions in the sky, they do not have a fixed latitude and longitude like locations on Earth.
The location 30 degrees south and 90 degrees east corresponds to a point in the Indian Ocean. The latitude is 30 degrees south, and the longitude is 90 degrees east.
The winds that blow from 30 to 60 degrees latitude in both hemispheres are called the westerlies. They are known for their prevailing westward flow caused by the rotation of the Earth.
There is a 30 degrees line of latitude north of the Equator (just above the Tropic of Cancer), and a 30 degrees line of latitude south of the Equator (just below the Tropic of Capricorn). So 30 degrees latitude appears in both the Northern Hemisphere, and the Southern Hemisphere.
At 30 degrees N latitude, you are 30 degrees north of the equator. Each degree of latitude is equivalent to about 69 miles, so at 30 degrees N latitude, you would be approximately 2,070 miles north of the equator.
Latitude 30°N is located 30 degrees north of the equator, while latitude 0°S is located on the equator. This means that latitude 30°N is further north and experiences different seasons and daylight hours compared to latitude 0°S, which is always near the equator and experiences relatively consistent temperatures and day lengths throughout the year.
30 N 30 E is El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.(Note 30 N is latitude and is given first. 30 degrees east is the longitude.)
30 N 30 E is El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.(Note 30 N is latitude and is given first. 30 degrees east is the longitude.)