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Radioactive decay is the spontaneous breakdown of a nucleus into smaller parts.

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Q: What is the best definition of radioactive decay?
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What is an unstable nucleus that starts a decay process called?

A nucleus that starts to decay is called a radioactive nucleus or atom. It decays with a known and unique half life by several processes including but not limited to beta decay, alpha decay, electron capture decay, and positron emission.

What term indicates the process in which unstable nuclide release radiation?

If it is related to Nuclear studies, then the answer would be fusion.

Radioactive decay do not involve electrons?

That statement is not entirely accurate. Radioactive decay can involve the emission of alpha particles, beta particles (electrons or positrons), and gamma rays. Electrons can be involved in certain types of radioactive decay processes.

Is this true radioactivity and radioactive decay are two distinct phenomena?

No, radioactivity and radioactive decay are closely related phenomena. Radioactivity refers to the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus emits radiation, while radioactive decay is the specific process by which an unstable nucleus transforms into a stable nucleus by emitting radiation.

How can coin- tossing simulate radioactive decay?

Coin-tossing can simulate radioactive decay by assigning a probability of heads or tails to represent decay or stability of a radioactive nucleus. Consistent with the decay probability of a radioactive substance, you can randomly flip the coin to determine decay events over time. Over multiple throws, you can track the number of heads to emulate the decay rate of a radioactive substance.

Related questions

Is the best definition of radioactive decay?

Radioactive decay is the spontaneous breakdown of a nucleus into smaller parts.

What is an unstable nucleus that starts a decay process called?

A nucleus that starts to decay is called a radioactive nucleus or atom. It decays with a known and unique half life by several processes including but not limited to beta decay, alpha decay, electron capture decay, and positron emission.

What is the source of heat in the Earth interior?

The decay of radioactive isotopes.The decay of radioactive isotopes.The decay of radioactive isotopes.The decay of radioactive isotopes.

What is the definition for decay product ratio?

The decay product ratio is the ratio of the amount of a specific decay product to the amount of the parent isotope in a radioactive decay chain. It is used to determine the relative contribution of different decay pathways in the decay of a radioactive substance.

When radioactive isotopes break down into other elements the process is called?

radioactive decay

What is the definition of radioactive balance?

Radioactive balance refers to the state where the rate of decay of a radioactive substance is equal to the rate of production of new radioactive atoms, resulting in a constant level of radioactivity. This equilibrium occurs when the production and decay rates reach a balanced state.

Definition of gamma rays?

Penetrating electromagnetic radiation of a kind arising from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei.

How is the radioactive decay of Krypton different from the radioactive decay of Americium?

The radioactive decay of americium 241 is by alpha disintegration; the disintegration of radioactive krypton isotopes is by beta particles emission.

What best definition radioactive decay?

The process by which the nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting radiation, including alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, and conversion electrons.

What term indicates the process in which unstable nuclide release radiation?

If it is related to Nuclear studies, then the answer would be fusion.

Best definition of half-life for a radioactive substance?

The half-life of a radioactive substance is the time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay. It is a constant characteristic of each radioactive isotope. After one half-life, half of the original substance will remain, and the other half will have decayed into other elements.

What is lost during radioactive decay?

Decay energy is the energy that has been freed during radioactive decay. When radioactive decay is ongoing it drops off some energy by means of discharging radiation.