The average rainfall is best described if you specify exactly what city or province of that state or country. Iran's average rainfall is roughly 200 millimeters.
The average annual rainfall in Washington, D.C. is around 40 inches.
The average annual rainfall in Zagreb is around 33 inches.
The average rainfall is 51 inches every year . Which is 110 days a year.
For the period 1971 to 2000, the average annual rainfall in the Leicester area was approximately 700 mm
The average rainfall in Chincoteague is around 45 inches per year. It typically experiences a humid subtropical climate with moderate rainfall throughout the year.
The average annual rainfall in Washington, D.C. is around 40 inches.
The average annual rainfall in Zagreb is around 33 inches.
the average rainfall in Indonesia is 133 mm
Nevada's average rainfall is 9 inches
what is the yearly average rainfall of spain?
The average rainfall for Olympia is 50 inches a year.
What is the average rainfall for the year in an ocean ecosystem?
The average rainfall is 51.3 inches.
What is the average yearly rainfall in Hong Kong?
Romania's average yearly rainfall is 670 mm.
What is the average yearly rainfall in Oakdale, California
The average rainfall in the region is 20 inches per year.